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Thank you, guys :)


Yesterday, needless to say, I did not bother attempting to stick to any diet plan. I just (thoroughly) enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner (and desserts heh) and had a nice day.


In the evening, I went with a few friends to the Bret Michaels concert and had a few drinks.


Back home around midnight, ate some Thanksgiving leftovers, then went to bed.


The scale was not pretty when I took a peek this morning haha. Good thing I have all week to be on track before my next official weigh in. So far so good today, I've been eating right today, and I just finished doing "The Biggest Loser: The Workout" DVD for the first time (rented it from Netflix).

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Today was my Week 14 weigh in!


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 24 1/2 lbs down, 35 1/2 lbs to go. (I've decided to lose an even 60 instead of the 58 I had previously set as my goal).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)



Today will not be a diet day for me as we are celebrating Hanukkah with our family tonight and having some delicious latkes and homemade chicken soup with noodles and matzoh balls...and dessert... but right back on track tomorrow and I'm looking forward to being out of the 210's very soon! :)


Edited by NanceXToo
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A different kind of update:


I know a few people on this board have been asking about the 'new' Weight Watchers plan recently.


I just want to say, I started that new plan recently. I started it on Tuesday, 11/30 when I went to the Weight Watchers center to rejoin just to get the new materials and plan details.


I followed it that Tuesday (plus walked on the treadmill for a half hour) and that Wednesday (walked on treadmill for one hour) to a T and ended up having a 2 3/4 lb loss at TOPS* that week (Thursday 12/2) after following the new plan for only 2 days. That was very good because prior to that I'd actually been UP a bit on my home scale from Thanksgiving. So this new plan helped me get rid of that unofficial gain and still have a decent loss!


(*I go to TOPS for my support/accountability/weigh ins because it's MUCH cheaper than going to Weight Watchers meetings. But Weight Watchers is the plan I follow, previously using the materials that I owned from when I was a WW member in the past, and now using the new materials I own after rejoining WW for just one meeting to get the info).


On Thursday, 12/2 I had my official weigh in and weighed in at 213 lbs (that was that 2 3/4 lb loss).


I then proceeded to be totally off plan all day because it was Hanukkah and we were having our big celebration (latkes cooked in oil and served with applesauce and sour cream, enough said, right? lol).


So on Friday, 12/3 I took a sneak at my home scale and it said 214.6. OK I wasn't surprised I was up some after Hanukkah.


I followed the new WW plan all day Friday but when I went to make dinner, the meat smelled "off" to me and I ended up throwing up my hands and ordering Chinese food instead of figuring out something else to cook. I did NOT eat more points than I otherwise would have, so in that regard, I was 'on plan' but the sodium in Chinese food definitely tends to affect my weigh ins for a day or two, so I sure wouldn't eat it right before an OFFICIAL weigh in!


Anyway, Saturday morning, 12/4, I took a sneak peek at my home scale and it said 215.0. Yuck!


But I followed the plan all day Saturday, eating all my new daily points, no outside food, watched the sodium, walked on the treadmill for about 40 minutes Saturday, and to my amazement, on Sunday morning, 12/5, I took a sneak peek at my home scale and it said 212.4!!!




I followed the plan all day Sunday (and did the Biggest Loser Challenge Wii game for my exercise, for probably about 45 minutes), and Monday morning, 12/6, I took a sneak peek at my home scale, and it said 212.2.


I followed the plan all day Monday and walked on the treadmill for one hour Monday morning, and this morning, Tuesday, 12/7, I took a sneak peek at my home scale, and it said 211.0!


ETA: Wednesday, 12/8 it was up a tad...said 211.4...but I did have a decent amount of sodium yesterday (ate one of those "Smart Ones" meals for lunch for example). I did not end up exercising at all on Tuesday.


Today (Wednesday) I will watch my sodium, follow the plan, and exercise, and hopefully tomorrow the scale will be down some more for my "official" weigh in at TOPS. It'd be great to be out of the 210's! After being at this for nearly 15 weeks, and starting at 237 1/2 lbs, I can't WAIT to be out of the 200's entirely, but for now, each time I go down a 'decade' in numbers (out of the 230's, out of the 220's, and now soon to be out of the 210's), it feels pretty satisfying!


So I want to say that so far although I haven't followed the new WW plan for a whole week straight yet, it seems to be working great! I feel pretty satisfied throughout the day, I'm not starving all day, and I think knowing that fruit is free has me making better choices and eating more protein and stuff at my main meals (rather than skimping on proteins at lunches and dinners so I can stockpile points for snacks, and then said snacks might end up being a 100 cal pack or some such- now I'm eating more protein and feeling relaxed about it because I know I can grab fruit whenever I want and that I'm not going to starve to death by bedtime. And I find myself reaching for fruit for my snacks, which I really only end up doing maybe 1-2 times per day -I'm not like stuffing myself on fruit or anything- and it seems to be working)!


Yes they raised the points that you get- but they also raised the points for some of the foods (mainly stuff with a lot of carbs) and I like that now they are not just taking fat, fiber and calories into account but instead are taking fat, fiber, protein and carbs into account and how your body processes different things in different ways...


Whatever the science behind it, I'm trusting it, as I've always trusted WW and thought it to be a good, safe, realistic, healthy, effective weight loss program, and it seems to be working! :)

Edited by NanceXToo
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I hear ya!! I only hope I can keep up with my own success, I'm notorious for starting but never finishing, starting out strong, then losing motivation and slipping off the wagon and taking a VERY long time to climb back on, usually starting from square 1. Or negative 1. I need to just stick with it this time, which is why I am trying to be as accountable as possible this time (that's where you guys come in lol).


You should come check out the weight loss challenge social group, too :)

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Just looked at the pictures on your blog. Love the idea of a charm bracelet with reward charms!


Thanks for taking a look :)


Yeah, TOPS does that- they give you a bracelet when you lose your first 10 lbs, and then you get to pick out a charm every 5 lbs thereafter. They also have fun little 'contests' where you can win a few bucks for losing the most weight and so on. And more of a 'round table' feel, as opposed to sitting in rows listening to a leader like at WW... I like TOPS! (And it's WAY cheaper than WW too)!


But TOPS is more for the support and accountability and weigh ins as opposed to being an actual diet plan, so WW is my diet plan. (And I do love the WW diet plan)!

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I hear ya!! I only hope I can keep up with my own success, I'm notorious for starting but never finishing, starting out strong, then losing motivation and slipping off the wagon and taking a VERY long time to climb back on, usually starting from square 1. Or negative 1. I need to just stick with it this time, which is why I am trying to be as accountable as possible this time (that's where you guys come in lol).


You should come check out the weight loss challenge social group, too :)


What about negative 20???


:lol: Oh, ha-ha-ha-ha! Where is the laughing and crying smilie?!


I lost 25 lbs on WW then gained back 35 because I ate every time I was upset last year. Then I stopped drinking sugar-free drinks and probably gained another 5 to 10 b/c I switched to full calorie one. I am an idiot. :tongue_smilie:

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What about negative 20???


:lol: Oh, ha-ha-ha-ha! Where is the laughing and crying smilie?!


I lost 25 lbs on WW then gained back 35 because I ate every time I was upset last year. Then I stopped drinking sugar-free drinks and probably gained another 5 to 10 b/c I switched to full calorie one. I am an idiot. :tongue_smilie:


Aw. You're not an idiot. It is really, really hard!!! Anyway, you can't look back and beat yourself up, you can only do what you can do now, and look ahead. But I do know how frustrating and disappointing it is to find yourself starting over again! I've been there. Many times, unfortunately!


I look forward to your updates every week. You are well on your way to an elephant's penis!


:lol: Put that way, it sounds so.... strange!

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Today was my Week 15 weigh in!


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


12/9/10, Week 15

Weight: 210 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 26 3/4 lbs down, 32 3/4 lbs to go. (I've decided to lose an even 60 instead of the 58 I had previously set as my goal).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)



I am SO close to being out of the 210's and to reaching my halfway-to-goal point! 1 more lb to get out of the 210's, and 11 lbs to finally be out of the 200's! I can't wait for that!


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Today was my Week 16 weigh in!


Unfortunately, I had a small gain this week. But it was only 3/4 of a lb, not too bad (considering the non diet-friendly restaurant meal out, the cookie baking/cookie exchange, and the homeschool group holiday party where everyone brought a dish, all of which took place this week)!


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


12/9/10, Week 15

Weight: 210 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs


12/16/10, Week 16

Weight: 211 1/2 lbs

BMI: 33.1

Weekly Change: +3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 26 lbs down, 33 lbs to go. (I've decided to lose an even 60 instead of the 58 I had previously set as my goal).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)



Now, back to the grind- I REALLY want to get out of the 210's already! :D


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Keep up the great work, Nance!:thumbup:


I'm creeping up on 50 lbs lost since last May and I've had weeks with great losses, weeks with gains, weeks with no losses. But the overall trend has been down, down, down. I'm pushing hard with my really clean eating a few more days and then I'll relax a bit while we're traveling over the holidays. Then Jan. 3rd hit it hard again and work on the last 30-40 lbs.

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Thanks, everyone :)


And, Jami, congrats on nearing the 50 lb mark! That's great! I can't wait to join you there :D And you guys are right, of course- this was never about any one particular day/week/weigh in, but a long term goal of losing weight and making better choices overall! Sometimes real life just happens, and I've just gotta keep going. :)

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but a long term goal of losing weight and making better choices overall! Sometimes real life just happens, and I've just gotta keep going. :)


I think that's finally what I've learned. I was good at doing really restrictive diets for a short period of time, but then I'd have *one bite* or see the scale not go down or heaven-forbid go up, and I'd ditch the diet. Usually overdoing it to make up for how deprived I felt during the restrictive diet. This mindset plus 4 pregnancies (and never losing while breastfeeding) added 50 lbs on over a 10 year period. And I wasn't at an ideal weight even before that. But this past year was kind of a perfect storm of feelings, changes, life crises that made me just stop the "I'll start Monday and be perfect" cycle and make real changes. I fully expect to indulge in favorite treats over Christmas and New Years. BUT I also know without a doubt, that my overall lifestyle has changed and those days won't stretch into weeks, months, etc. 2011 is gonna be a fantastic year for us!

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Today was my Week 17 weigh in!


Unfortunately, I really struggled this week with my motivation and gave into temptation too many times/too many days. I think I did bad four days and only did well three. And usually I go to the gym on Wednesdays- this week I just didn't go that day.


With that said, it could have been much worse considering (confession: I ate three slices of pizza and two donuts yesterday. Ugh).


And even so- I only ended up gaining 1/2 a lb at today's weigh in.


But I also gained 3/4 a lb last week- so I'm up 1 1/4 lbs over the past two weeks.


So far so good today- I'm going to try my best to stay on track as best I can this week, even knowing I have a few events coming up where I'll be splurging some (a four hour trip involving lunch with an aunt tomorrow, New Year's Eve and so on....) I just have to keep going and keep trying!


I know I DON'T want to keep creeping back up higher into the 210's, I want to get OUT of them already!


OK, Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


12/9/10, Week 15

Weight: 210 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs


12/16/10, Week 16

Weight: 211 1/2 lbs

BMI: 33.1

Weekly Change: +3/4 lb

Total Loss: 26 lbs


12/23/10, Week 17

Weight: 212 lbs

BMI: 33.2

Weekly Change: + 1/2 lb

Total Loss: 25 1/2 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 25 1/2 lbs down, 33 1/2 lbs to go.




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was my Week 19 weigh in! (I didn't have a Week 18 weigh in as TOPS was closed last week and my home scale's battery died).


Here's my Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


12/9/10, Week 15

Weight: 210 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs


12/16/10, Week 16

Weight: 211 1/2 lbs

BMI: 33.1

Weekly Change: +3/4 lb

Total Loss: 26 lbs


12/23/10, Week 17

Weight: 212 lbs

BMI: 33.2

Weekly Change: + 1/2 lb

Total Loss: 25 1/2 lbs


12/30/10, Week 18



1/6/11, Week 19

Weight: 211 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 26 1/2 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 26 1/2 lbs down, 32 1/2 lbs to go.




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)

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Today was my Week 20 weigh in!


Here's my Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


12/2/10, Week 14

Weight: 213 lbs

BMI: 33.4

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 24 1/2 lbs


12/9/10, Week 15

Weight: 210 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 26 3/4 lbs


12/16/10, Week 16

Weight: 211 1/2 lbs

BMI: 33.1

Weekly Change: +3/4 lb

Total Loss: 26 lbs


12/23/10, Week 17

Weight: 212 lbs

BMI: 33.2

Weekly Change: + 1/2 lb

Total Loss: 25 1/2 lbs


12/30/10, Week 18



1/6/11, Week 19

Weight: 211 lbs

BMI: 33.0

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 26 1/2 lbs


1/13/11, Week 20

Weight: 209 lbs

BMI: 32.7

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 28 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 210's!!!)


Summary: Goal- to lose 60 lbs. 28 1/2 lbs down, 31 1/2 lbs to go.




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)

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