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If you used Prima Latina and then Latina Christiana...


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We just started Latina Christiana today with my 3rd grader. He did fine with Prima Latina last year, generally liked it. Latina Christiana, however, seemed to completely bore him! I didn't get a chance to watch the video lesson with him, so I was curious to know from those who have done both programs if there is a big difference between the two. My son felt as though the video went on and on and on! Did any of your children have this experience? Are the video lessons significantly longer in LC? Or is it just a natural progression of difficulty and I have to just encourage my son to stick with it?


Would love advice and perspective from the Hive! Thanks in advance.

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We HATE the dvd! I don't make my dd's watch it. I couldn't make my dd's sit through it any longer. I will watch just the grammar portion of our upcoming lesson the night before so that I am sure of how to teach the grammar and then I teach the lesson myself. The instructor (who is also the author) is not an eloquent speaker and talks way to slow. She also draws out the declension part unnecessarily in my opinion. I teach the entire lesson in half the time and my dc are learning and retaining just fine.


Here is a thread that you might find of some use. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196473&highlight=Latina+Christiana+Dvd

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Guest janainaz

We have done both Prima Latina and Latina Christiana (now we are on First Form Latin), but I did not use the DVD program. What I noticed was that Latina Christiana was a lot of review from Prima Latina. If he hates the DVD, just do the lesson with him. I present the lesson on day 1, and ds did the workbook lesson, but we broke it down over a few days. We spent one day reviewing vocabulary words, conjugations and declensions. I just switched up what we did every day and it was not so bad.

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