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any suggestions for non-babyish yet low reading level books?


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I'm trying to come up with a book list for my oldest, who is about to start 8th grade. He reads on about a 5th-6th grade level, at the most. His problem is not phonics, it's actual language comprehension (the SLP who evaluated him is thinking Receptive Language Disorder). So in order for him to read a book he actually UNDERSTANDS, I have to find one where the language is relatively simple. (The same goes for conversations - I have to translate a LOT for him.) The problem I'm running into is that, naturally, the books at this reading level are too "young" for him. Yet the books about things he'd find more interesting are too complex language-wise.


Any suggestions? (Please don't recommend audio books...since the problem is language as a whole, listening to it being read is just as bad as reading it himself.)

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Guest lorimomx3

My two boys, 12 & 15 both love the Hank Zipzer series by Henry Winkler. They are semi-autobiographical and tell how Hank overcomes his struggles with learning disabilities in a very humorous and positive way. They are well-written but not difficult.

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I have a 5th grade dd and I went in and pulled some titles from her shelves. Some may work, some not. I tried to find boyish ones.


Tuck Everlasting

The Indian in the Cupboard

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

The Plant that Ate Dirty Socks (my kids loved this one!)

Frindle (deals with a boy who makes up words - may be confusing for your ds)

The Enormous Egg (kids loved this one too)

There is also the Childhood of Famous Americans Series - we have Wilbur and Orville Wright, and Benjamin Franklin

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I am normally not a fan of ProLiteracy since they use a lot of sight words, but their New Readers Press might have some good books for you. There used to be several other companies that put out books like this, your local literacy organization might have a collection.


The group that used to be Laubach Literacy in Little Rock had a huge collection of books like you are describing.


ESL groups might also have some good books.



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DH and I really enjoyed reading The Seventh Tower Series and and the Percy Jackson series.


I don't have personal experience with these, but I thought it might help you find things in his interests:


Grades 3-6 readers with the theme "Sea and Sky":




I love Heart of Dakota's Book Shop with Boy Interest packs and reading levels listed for all of their books:





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Remedia Publication is another source for high-interest, low-reading level material.


Christian Liberty Press has a book about the Wright Brothers that is elementary level reading, but very interesting. They also have one on inventions that is longer and has a section on air travel.


I would recommend non-fiction, too. You can get a lot of books at the library that are full of interesting facts, but are written at about a 4th-6th grade level. As a PP mentioned, Heinemann Press publishes many.

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