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Can we move Oregon about 1800 miles closer to Iowa?

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I'm loving it here. Loving it! Love the people, the atmosphere... The entire state is beautiful.


I get no odd looks for the baby in a carrier, I have been asked, "Did you knit those?" numerous times. I've even run into people who not only know why my babies are wearing wool soakers, but know also cloth diapered. I've met more homeschoolers in the six months I've been here than in the sum of years I've spent in Iowa.


(Insert deep sigh of contentment.)


And I miss my parents, in laws, grandparents, extended family, old friends, etc., etc., etc. desperately.


Couldn't we just move Oregon about 1800 miles closer to Iowa? :iagree:

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I would actually prefer it if you moved Iowa 1800 miles closer to Oregon. :001_smile: Oklahoma and Kansas are soooo boring to drive through on our way to Iowa and I could really use a change of scenery.


(Have you read "The Scrambled States of America"? It is a cute book where the states decide to change places. But then they complain of the cold, heat, etc of their new spot and want to go back to their original locations.)

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I wouldn't have a problem with that. While we're at it, can we move IL closer to TX? :D


Sounds good since I'd like to move Tx close to Oregon. I grew up in Oregon and miss it dearly. I wish we could visit my parents, go camping on the coast, hiking in the woods, and see all of my friends more often. Oh, how I miss the rain!

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We own a duplex. We live in one side and my parents rent the other half from us. They live here 4-5 months during the summer/early fall and live in FL the rest of the year. It wasn't our original plan when we bought the house but it has worked out beautifully. Love having my parents close enough that my kids get to know them.

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