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Do sunless tanning lotions work?

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I really need a tan. I am NOT a sun person. I used to keep a light tan when I was young, but I never sat out and baked in the sun.


Two years ago I sat out in the sun without any protection for about an hour. I only wanted a little sun in my cheeks. What I got was a big brown spot on my forehead that has never gone away. It isn't too bad, but I won't be getting out in the sun without a hat again. Spots are for dalmations! :glare:




Last week I went to a hair salon. Tired of maintaining highlights I decided to go back to almost my natural brown haircolor...but a little darker, a little richer.


I came out with black hair. With red tints. Ugh. It is HORRID! (they said they can put a toner on it to lighten it...but I'm really afraid of them just damaging my hair.)


Now I look very, very, very pale. My face looks positively WHITE!


So I'm wondering if the fake tans work....at least until I get back to hair not so ....BLACK!



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I've been using sunless tanners for years - if you follow some basic guidelines, they work great!


Since it sounds like you're specifically looking for a sunless tanning product for your face (due to your new hair color), here's what I would recommend:

- Get a tanner specifically for your face (I wouldn't use the same tanner you use for your body). I love the Lancome product for this purpose, but I just checked and it looks like they don't make that specific one anymore. Clarins Liquid Bronze Self-Tanner for the face is pretty highly rated so that may be a good one to try.

- Exfoliate your face before you apply the tanner (otherwise, your color may turn out uneven, since rough patches of skin turn out darker with sunless tanner).

- Use only your finger tips to apply the tanner and wash them thoroughly with soap and hot water afterwards (or your fingers will tan too).


A great website that covers everything you would want to know about sunless tanning is http://www.sunless.com/. I've gotten lots of great tips here over the years...

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