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Anyone acutally finish the 30 day shred?

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I started it. I'm on about day 7, but I took Sat and Sun off. I don't like it. I think I'm just resentful because I have to get up 30 minutes early to do it and I really want to sleep. And I'd rather watch TV than listen to her tell me the same thing every day. I want to finish. I need to finish. I don't think it will happen. :(

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and I think that is the problem with exercise you hate, it doesn't stick. Honestly, I lost 50lbs after my first son just be doing a fun yoga video and Richard Simmons videos. His are soooo silly and fun, but still help. Adding strength training sped things up a lot, ALA body for life, but I actually enjoy that.

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I did. I hated every minute of it. However, the results were great. That said, I haven't done it since. You don't even want to know the names I call Jillian while doing it:)


I have started saying some nasty things to her too! I don't normally talk like that. :glare: It's good to know I'm not the only one!

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I have been doing it for around 6 weeks. I do it with a friend most days. I think that helps. I don't love doing it, but I do love that it is only 20 minutes and it get results. There is not much I could do in 20 minutes that has the intensity. You can turn off the sound, but I found then I just had to watch her more to find out when to switch exercises.

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Accountability is EVERYTHING when it comes to exercise. If you want to be consistent, find a friend to exercise with every day. I have 2 neighbors waiting at the end of my driveway to exercise with me every day (M-F). We started at beg. of June - we alternate walk/run with 30 day shred. I've lost close to 5 lbs., and my stomach is flatter, butt, legs and arms are definitely firmer. Without friends, I would have quit after 2 weeks - tops!

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