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Grading systems?


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How do you grade quizes and worsksheets?


For instance, my dd just took the SOTW Ch1. quiz. There were 16 questions, and she got 10 right. The last question, where she needs to write an answer, is worth double to me, so I would say she got 11 out of 17. So how do I get a grade out of this.

I gave her 80% and "named" it C-. How do you transfer from % to letter grades?


Thank you!

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I divide the number of questions into 100 and then multiply the number correct by that amount. So 100/17=bout5.9 so 5.9x11=64.9 Then just the breakdown I remember from school 90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=d and anything below 60=F Though sometimes I don't feel these grades are fair and my son doesn't at allfor example I'll give him sopmething and lets say like in the sotw quiz there's only 16 or 17 and I give him a D when he misses 6 all I hear is "But mom I only missed 6". :glare::001_smile:

Edited by hmschooln
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Many times I leave it as a percentage on individual things.


If she asks, or I want to average larger things, I use 90-100 as an A, 80-89 as a B, and 70-79 as a C. Anything lower than 70 is an "F."


For HS level classes, I break it down farther, with A- being 90-93, B+ being 87-89, B- being 80-82, etc.

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Oh, I am really not worried about the percentage I gave - because she does not understand them anyway. She is 7 and I gave her a C-, because she understand letters better. And I did not want to break her spirit about it. She has problems retaining details, so I knew this was not going to be great, but maybe it just helped her see she needs to pay more attention.


I am more asking in general how to grade. I did not grow up with this kind of grading system.


Thank you all!!

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number right divided by number total times 100 equals percent


11/17 x 100= 64.7 %


I also use a scale like this 90%-100%=A 80%-89%=B 70%-79%=C 60%-69%=D and anything below 60%=F.


But I also don't give history tests or letter grades like that to 7yo. Maybe on a math facts test or a spelling test, but I don't even use the SOTW tests at 7yo. In fact I don't even test much at all at 7 yo. I know what they need to learn and we need to work on and if I thought they needed to work on details, testing would not be how I would achieve that.

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