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Knock, Knock, Anyone Home???

Pam B

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Does anyone else ever get the impression that your child's brain has been turned off????


Today ds11 - doing Saxon 7/6 couldn't figure out how to round to the nearest cent. Yep- that's what I said. Couldn't round.


So- am I the only one whose kids' brains sometimes take the day (or two) off??

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oh yes! My ds8 was doing a series of practice problems for math today, after doing about five of them perfectly he suddenly couldn't figure out what to do next and couldn't figure out 10 x 5. *sigh* That's when I know I've over done the practice with him. He tends to get worse not better. We'll see if he can remember it tomorrow.

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Yes, yes, and yes. DS12, who up to this point has pretty much blown through math with very little effort, is working on Algebra. He gets HOW to do the equations...but he can not figure out the positive and negative thing, like that x-2 is the same as x+ -2.......so he is constantly having the wrong answer due to the + and - being switched in one of his first steps. We have talked over and over and over about it. DH has talked to him about it...I am about to do a day of NOTHING but that...stopping the math program, and just talk about that. just that...nothing more. It will be what is the answer to this : 3-2, okay so what is the answer to this 3+ -2, etc etc etc etc.

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Does anyone else ever get the impression that your child's brain has been turned off????


Today ds11 - doing Saxon 7/6 couldn't figure out how to round to the nearest cent. Yep- that's what I said. Couldn't round.


So- am I the only one whose kids' brains sometimes take the day (or two) off??


I have an 11 (almost 12) year old, too. The massive neuron pruning that happens at this age definitely makes itself known. :glare: According to my parents, 7th grade was my "morphed into some kind of alien being" year. :tongue_smilie:

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Whew! I am SOOO glad to hear it is not an alien impersonating my kids at different times! :rolleyes:


Last time he did this I thought I was going to go nuts! He decided that when doing long division, such as 10 divided by 0.4, it did not matter where he wanted to put the decimal. After explaining it a bazillion times, I had DH explain it.... then ds12.... then dd14..... then the cat??? No, that's not right, but I sure did think about it!!


It wasn't until the next day when I told him that I only owed him $9.... verses $90 (long story)......... Because I decided to move the decimal where IIIIIII wanted it! :D At least I got the point across. DH just thinks he's being stubborn..


I kinda think it's a mixture of the hormones and stubborness! :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, yes, and yes. DS12, who up to this point has pretty much blown through math with very little effort, is working on Algebra. He gets HOW to do the equations...but he can not figure out the positive and negative thing, like that x-2 is the same as x+ -2.......so he is constantly having the wrong answer due to the + and - being switched in one of his first steps. We have talked over and over and over about it. DH has talked to him about it...I am about to do a day of NOTHING but that...stopping the math program, and just talk about that. just that...nothing more. It will be what is the answer to this : 3-2, okay so what is the answer to this 3+ -2, etc etc etc etc.



I think because there are couple years here with no one home is why it is reccomended to wait a little longer for algebra. So many kids seem like they are right on track to start it about 6th or 7th grade, suddenly can't even add :tongue_smilie: But by 8th or 9th things are better :D

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