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Our first day starts in 1 hour!!


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Good luck! :)


I'm waiting til next month to start, myself, but it will be my first time homeschooling two kids, too! My daughter will be starting 5th and my son will be starting K. Fortunately I'm going with a very laid back K program that I don't anticipate taking more than maybe an hour a day (I think), so it'll be sort of easing into the two kids thing at least. :D

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I could have written your same post!!! I also have a 3rd grader, Ker, and a 3 year old, but mine are DS, DS, and then DD ... and she gets into way more than they ever did!! ;)


Hope you have a great day!!


Too funny! I thought it was "boy" syndrome. If you have it at your house too, maybe it's really 3rd kid syndrome. :lol:

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I'm in the same boat. I have a 3rd dd, a K ds, and a 3 yo ds. I get worried when my youngest is too quiet. Almost every day my 3yo is doing some crazy impulsive thing (pulling all the stuffing out of a pillow in his room, pouring bubble bath all over his floor so he could play with with the bubbles, etc). I can't turn my back on him. My other two were never like that! It never seems malicious, it's really more that he doesn't think through what he's doing!


It's good to hear that others have the same issue with their 3rd child. I was starting to really worry that a fall he had when he was one did some permanent damage to the judgement part of his brain!

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I get worried when my youngest is too quiet. Almost every day my 3yo is doing some crazy impulsive thing (pulling all the stuffing out of a pillow in his room, pouring bubble bath all over his floor so he could play with with the bubbles, etc). I can't turn my back on him.

This is my 3 yr old too, altough he is the 4th. I have dd in 3rd grade, dd in 1st, dd in k'er, and ds. Boys are definitely more trouble than gilrs (at least mine;)). I am starting next week and am nervous having 3 in school at once and keeping an eye on the little guy. I think he has some new toys that will keep him busy nearby, at least for a week or two.

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