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Difference between R&S 2 & 3 English


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My ds (7/2nd) is bored to tears with First Language Lessons of the WTM. I am thinking of switching him to R&S English. I already have R&S 3, but would have to order R&S 2. I have considered starting him with 3 and see how he holds up. My only concern is that we will be possibly missing vital information taught in 2 but not 3. A 2nd grade friend of mine says very little new is introduced in 2nd grade, but I am still concerned. Thoughts? Opinions?

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I have both and we did 2 units in each of them last year. My dd did the R&S 2 and loved it. My son did the R&S 3 and hated it, lol. I thought 2 taught a lot of good things and was perfect for my dd's level. my son just hates grammar, all grammar, and I kept the 3 b/c my dd wants to go back to that next year instead of what we are doing now. SOoo, my own opinion is that 2 is much lighter than 3. I think my dd could have done 3 work but the writing may have been too much if she did everything you know?


But I liked 2 and my dd liked 2 and I thought the work was appropriate and it was useful.

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I used FLL 1/2 and didn't quite finish 2. We just dropped it and picked up with R&S 3 the next year. Ds doesn't like English but had no trouble with it. We did most of our work orally, so it only took a few minutes each day. The big advantage of having used FLL was memorizing the definitions and helping verbs chant. I wish we had spent more time memorizing the prepositions because that's where ds had the toughest time in later years.



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I finished up most of FLL 1 & 2 with my ds last year. This year I decided to put him in R&S 2 because I felt uncomfortable skipping it, but 25 lessons in, I am rethinking this now. After going through FLL, R&S 2 is quite easy. My son likes it, which is why I haven't moved him up to R&S 3 yet. I am seriously considering it though.

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I finished up most of FLL 1 & 2 with my ds last year. This year I decided to put him in R&S 2 because I felt uncomfortable skipping it, but 25 lessons in, I am rethinking this now. After going through FLL, R&S 2 is quite easy. My son likes it, which is why I haven't moved him up to R&S 3 yet. I am seriously considering it though.



From what I can tell, the first phonics unit (roughly 30 lessons) is review. Then it picks up. As far as the English textbook, I wouldn't skip it, either. The first unit is about sentences, so it is pretty basic, but that's only the first unit. The other units have different material covered. Some of it is the same as what is taught in 3rd grade, but it is on a second grade level. My ds did R&S 3 last year, and my dd is about to start R&S 2... IMO, the third grade text would be too difficult for her at this point. There is a lot of diagraming, writing, etc. that I don't think she would be able to handle without doing R&S 2 first.


Although, if it stays too easy for a child, that would be a different story, but for most second graders, it is probably spot on. I think it's a fantastic 2nd grade program.

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