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Some reflections on the first day of school (PS) here.

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Two years ago my dd was the only kid at the bus stop because she is the oldest in her group of neighborhood friends and they all went to elementary while she went to middle. Last year I think two more joined her. This year there are at least 10 kids down there. As a matter of a fact, I think there is only one child left that is still in elementary. They are all growing up so fast.


They opened three new schools in our district over the summer because of over crowding in the schools in our city. In spite of that fact, they just announced that there will still be major over crowding in the 7th grade. All of the more experienced staff moved on to the new school so now we have all new staff this year and they haven't managed too well yet.


Normally kids get their lockers and schedules on back to school night a few days before school starts so that they can put their stuff away and go to homeroom right away the first day. Well, they weren't ready for that this year so all the kids are supposed to go to the gym and wait to be called and assigned a locker and homeroom. Then after they go to homeroom they will get their schedules. I am assuming this will take the better part of the morning. I have no idea what they will do after that.


In both 7th and 8th grade my dd had the same rotation of related arts when she was supposed to have a different one each year. They basically said it was because they didn't have their sh*t together. My guess is that it will be even worse this year and this year I have one in 6th and one in 8th.


Over the summer they sent home an email announcing that we should be getting TCAP scores soon along with a link explaining why the scores would be so low. We live in the best district in the state. We have great teachers and a good curriculum (some of the same stuff I was using). Teachers are paid well and their are spending about $5000 per student. Fees are higher this year. The parents are very involved. Most of the problem seem to be due to poor administration.


In spite of all of this, my girls were up at 5:00 am and thrilled to be out of the house at 6:30. I am thrilled as well as I plan to go back to bed any minute now and hopeully get a few hours of sleep. My journey is over now. What a long, strange trip it has been. My goal now is to spend a week recovering from the crazyness and then buckle down and get my house in order. Then maybe I can finally start working on the self education that I have been wanting to do for so long.

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Over the summer they sent home an email announcing that we should be getting TCAP scores soon along with a link explaining why the scores would be so low. We live in the best district in the state. We have great teachers and a good curriculum (some of the same stuff I was using). Teachers are paid well and their are spending about $5000 per student. Fees are higher this year. The parents are very involved. Most of the problem seem to be due to poor administration.



The TCAP scores are expected to be lower all across the state. They changed the test, making it more rigorous, so scores are expected to drop.

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Ok, my 8th grade got her schedule today. She finally got the related arts that she was missing: art, music, home ec and the PE which is required every year.


6th grader didn't get her schedule yet but is happy with her homeroom teacher.


8th grader had first volleyball game today and they won. Yeah.


My youngest is in middle school now. Exactly how and when did this happen?

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