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Can you please share your experience using the lapbook for Apologia General Science?

Pam L.

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I am considering using this for this year. We are using the 1st edition. We are new to lapbooking and I would love to hear how this particular one worked for this program with your family.


Is it too much for one indepentent learner?


thanks in advance!


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My daughter used Live and Learn Press with General Science. Their pages are simply the study guide and on-your-own questions put into graphic form. They are colorful, so you would print them using a color printer. They show you to mount the mini-books onto cardstock and place into a 3-ring binder. This was wonderful for her as she really liked this method. The other nice thing is that it shows what was covered for the entire year of science in one place at the end of the year. This product does not have anything for the experiments. We used forms printed from donnayoung.org for those.


Right now, if you join their yahoo group, they have a sale on Apologia through the end of August.


There is another option available through knowledge box central. I know you can find a sample on currclick.


Personally we like the Live and Learn Press product better. I think we like their graphics better and the way they lay things out.

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My daughter loves making lapbooks...my oldest son, not so much. My littles like it as long as we don't make them in short sessions. They enjoy showing unsuspecting visitors their creations. :001_smile: Apologia does have lapbook pages that you can print for free, so you could check some out.


I do think that creating a lapbook or a notebook is a really good & creative way for children to learn. I have found that the facts they put in are the ones that stick with them.

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