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TOG users: organizing

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i'm new to TOG, we are just now wrapping up our first unit, but here's how i organized ours:


i put my individual unit (the "lesson plans" that are 60.00 each) in a 3 in D ring binder. i placed the sheets in individual page protectors.


i purchased the optional tabbed dividers for yr 1 but instead of placing them in my notebook i put them in ds's notebook. on sunday when i plan lessons i put all of his copies, maps, worksheets, etc for that week in the appropriate tabbed section of his notebook.


right now we are storing our books in the box they came in and i pull them out on sunday night as needed for the week and put last week's books away.

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I just got done planning Unit 3 of Year 2 for lower grammar. It probably won't help you with all of your levels but here's what I did:


Printed out from the Loom (online or on CD depending on what Year Plan)

- Objectives/Threads for areas I want to address, Geography in my case

- Print SAP for each week, Student Activity Page

- Prepared the project for the week

- Printed out map for the week and the Teacher map with answers (MapAids)

- Printed a Lower Grammar Response page


I just clipped a week's work together and put in a manila envelope for Unit 3, I'll pull each week's work when we come to it, dd will finish it and put it in her history notebook. Have you looked at the TOG website for help? Here's a link that might help you:


It's at the online Loom, which you'll need to sign in to access:



There are planning charts there as well. The TOG forum would be able to help you more if you find you're not finding enough help here.

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I thought I would chime in on how I organize books. I have two double bookshelves. Each side has a year plan and the books that relate to that year. I put dots on the spine of my books. Red/ Year 1, Yellow/ Year 2, Green/ Year 3, and Blue/ Year 4. These correspond to the colors of the covers of the year plans. I have another single bookshelf where I keep other subjects and misc. books.

Janis in DE

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I do a lot of the same... I place 1 unit in a 3 inch D ring binder and all the pages are in page protectors. *Ü* Yup, all of them.


I prepare a unit at a time. So in the kids binders (2 inch binder) I have the 1-36 week tabs in place and I print out everything I think we will need. Saps, maps (although we don’t do all of the maps) I print out the assignment pages and place card stock in each planned week for lap book folds, if we are using folds that week.


I print out all of our timeline figures and place them in a file near our school area. (The dining room *Ü*) and keep only the books used for that unit out on a bookshelf close by.


Making copies and planning a unit at a time frees me up a lot. I still read over the teachers notes on Sunday and go over the new week each Monday, but all the printing etc is done so I can focus on the week ahead.


I think you will find... no matter how organized you are, things can always be tweaked... and possibly not even used.... but its nice to have that part of the work done. *Ü*

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