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School room walls

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I have DD10 and DD3.5 and am working on converting our toy room to do double duty as a school type room. It currently has NOTHING on the walls. I would like to hang some things that would be pertinent to them. Suggestions? The only thing I know for sure I want to do is a bit dry erase board. I want them to be not only things that are cute and fun, but also things that they will use, or that will be helpful to them.


I appreciate all your ideas and thoughts!



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I made a giant map of Africa from 64 sheets of paper for dd to just "have around" and learn from. We were going to study a few countries this year, but only got a couple done--we left it up, anyway, and it's been fun to look at and talk about.


So, maps, to put it succinctly. :D


I also like putting poems up and a great work of art with the artist's name and the date.


Calendar--I did the Saxon Meeting Book as "wall art." Instead of using that little book, we did a big poster calendar, a pattern strip, the coin cup, and a numberline (well, not really numberline, we just wrote the number of the day on an index card and stuck them around the top of the wall).


I have these little hook-y clipp-y things that hang from the ceiling tiles, so not everything is on the wall in our schoolroom.

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