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Need to discuss MATH again, comparing BJU online & CLE


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I stress so much over math. I think it's because I'm terrible at it and never liked it because I didn't have very good teachers. I don't want my children to know this though and want them to enjoy math. :)


I shared that we did CLE I with DD last year for 1st grade. She did learn and could do the work, but I could tell she dreaded math so much. There's just so much work when you figure in the flashcard practice, speed drills, counting book, new teaching and 3 pages of problems. I think it was the amount of work that was making her dislike it even though she won't complain. She would seem so sad when it was time for math and I just want my kid's to enjoy math since I never did.


Anyway, this year I decided to use BJU online math for all my kid's. I really like the program, but I'm having to reteach the lessons. It took an hour to complete 2nd grade math with her today. We watched the lesson together which is about 30 mins long. I would pause the lesson and work with her on the new teaching and then we worked together on the work text pages. I don't know if it's just hard for them since they are so young, to watch a lesson and then process what they have seen. I do NOT expect my children to work alone, but it seems like I'm redoing it all. I'm sure it would be easier for say a 4th grader or older to do this.


I just can't decide if we should switch back to CLE and just go at a slower rate, or stick it out with BJU. I have another week to get a refund on BJU which would be approx: $530.00 :001_huh:


I personally REALLY like both programs. If not using the online option, CLE is much easier for me to teach. BJU is just overwhelming with the teaching part. That is why the online lessons were so appealing.


I don't think any of my kid's are going to be "mathy" but will probably be average. BJU teaches much more of a mental concept and DD doesn't seem to be "getting" that. It's only been 7 lessons, but just wondering if that would get any better. Does everyone have to know the "why" of math anyway?:confused:


The money factor is not what I want to base my decision on, so any input on the programs would be appreciated :bigear: I'm exhausted from trying to figure out math.

Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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  • 2 weeks later...

ETA: :)

Just wanted to post this in case other's were doing searches for BJU.

I feel like I judged the BJU program too quickly, especially since we had only done 7 lessons. I just LOVE the way the concepts are introduced and taught online. It does take longer than most other math programs might, but they ARE learning and they seem to enjoy it. My DD was smiling and said it was fun today. The way the 2nd grade program introduced place value was FANTASTIC! If only I had been taught math this way.


Anyway, I just didn't want to give other's a bad opinion about the curriculum, but felt like I may have.


I have been trying to let my twin boy's watch the 1st grade program on their own, while I work with my DD on WWE or whatever she needs to do. Afterwards, I sit with them and do the worksheets and use a few manipulatives. I then let DD watch her 2nd grade math while I have my boy's do read alouds. It seems to be working pretty good and I'm sure it will only get better once we really get a good flow going.:)

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ETA: :)

The way the 2nd grade program introduced place value was FANTASTIC! If only I had been taught math this way.



I would love to hear how they explain place value. My daughter, who is just beginning 2nd grade, is struggling to understand place value.


Thank you,


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The lesson was on renaming, and it's just the way it was introduced with the online version. The child could really get a "visual" understanding of it and she thought it was funny. It was much better than just using manipulatives and trying to show the child that way. Hopefully more lessons will be that well done. :)

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Have you considered just cutting out the flashcards and drills? We don't do them at all, and there's plenty of review that can be cut out if your child understands the material.


I think the drill can be helpful for a child who is struggling, but I think for most kids it's overkill.

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I am not using the online program but it is taking me an hour every day to do BJU Math 2 as well. I can't imagine not doing flashcards, or cutting out anything in the lesson part. I want dd to master the addition facts. We used Saxon last yr and it took an hour to teach the lesson and do the work sheets. I think any program that you actually use the TM will take 45 min. to an hour for math.


I understand your desire for your dd to enjoy math, me dd dreads math time. I have tried Horizons, A Beka, and Saxon before BJU this year and she has not liked an of them. I do think she is doing better with BJU(we are on lesson 16).

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When she was in first grade last year, we didn't do the flashcards practice or the speed drills and she still disliked it. I felt like adding that on top of everything else was too much for a little 1st grader. I wasn't going to cut out the flashcard practice this year for 2nd grade, because I feel like she needs to get those facts down so she can do the problems more quickly.


I decided to stay with BJU anyway and am so glad. It's probably taking us 45 mins to complete math, but I know it would take us close to the same amount of time with CLE. Most of that time we're watching the video and doing lot's of hands on. The worktext is only taking us about 10 mins of that time.:)


When she was doing CLE, she could answer the problems well, but I really don't think she was understanding or getting it. Now with all the hands on and visual teaching, she thinks it's fun.:) Such a relief because I didn't want a math hater.

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I'm glad you decided to stay with BJU. Not that CLE isn't great, but BJU will make math fun and, at that age, why not have it fun as well as academic? ;)


Also, BJU WILL reteach all these concepts your dd is learning each and every year. If she doesn't FULLY grasp something now, have no fear, she will get it again, and again, and again. Same with the flashcards, just keep plugging away a few minutes each day on them and she will get them memorized in the end.


I have to say that, though I really like the spiral-ness of CLE, I don't always like the explainations (lessons). Sometimes they are just not very informative and if my ds doesn't 'get it' then I usually REALLY have to study the lesson myself before I can explain it to him. That sort of scares me, so I doubt I could/would use CLE for Alg and beyond. Now, I doubt you would have that problem in 2nd grade math of course:D, but just thought I would share my current thoughts on the 7th grade set which we are using 2x a week alongside BJU's prealgebra 3x a week. The BJU lessons are more 'complete' and informative.

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Bob Jones Math is the one thing that has been solid and I didn't want to switch from since we started with it. I got Saxon K and thought how great it was to be all hands on.....till looking into it and realized I didn't like how the lessons were arranged. Found Bob Jones and have loved it! It fits well for my family. My oldest son has done K5, 1 and is now on 2nd grade while my younger son just started K5. We have never done the online but I'm expecting that as we get in the upper grades, I may use that aspect of the curriculum.

Melissa....do you find you enjoy the upper levels? That is my only concern as I don't want to hop around and love the lower levels. I don't really know anyone else who uses it and our homeschool group uses Saxon....which I refuse to use. Would love to hear how you like it!

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