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Help filling in the holes, please?


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This is what I have so far for this year. We're coming out of parochial school, so keep in mind I have no idea what we're doing. LOL Hence, the need for help filling in the gaps.


For my 1st grader:


All About Spelling w/Cobweb the Cat

A Reason for Handwriting

Rod and Staff Math 1

Elemental Science


For my 4th grader:


Megawords 1 (and I'm going to have him help me "teach" my 1st grader AAS, so he gets some review)

Rod and Staff Math 4

Rod and Staff English 4

Apologia Zoology 2 (He insists on swimming creatures)

A Reason for Handwriting D-cursive work


For my 7th grader:


Rod and Staff Math 7

Rod and Staff English 7

Apologia Physical Science

The Fallacy Detective (added in, thanks! :) )


We will do Mystery of History as a family, possibly combined with SOTW of some form, and we've always been a reading family, so will continue that. We will also have AWANA, family bible study (with mapping and geography), a coop that does music and phys ed along with another rotating "fun" course.


I know there are things that I need to add, like writing, and we'd like to get into Latin. Is this a good start, though? Can you see anything obvious that I need? I've been reading SO much about curriculum lately my eyes have blurred. Take pity on me and let me know what to add. LOL


ETA: I want to teach them life-skills too, like budgeting, cooking, organizing a trip, community service, so there will be time in that.

Edited by Mallorie
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I have the opposite of you! dd(12), dd(10) and ds(6) also chatty! Looks good to me! Good luck! We enjoyed this fun book that the kids did together as an art appreciation course: Art Fraud Detective. My eldest got it started and involved the others with finding the fraud.

Edited by savoybrwn
Missed the grammer portion!
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This is what I have so far for this year. We're coming out of parochial school, so keep in mind I have no idea what we're doing. LOL Hence, the need for help filling in the gaps.


For my 1st grader:


All About Spelling w/Cobweb the Cat

A Reason for Handwriting

Rod and Staff Math 1

Elemental Science




Fluent reader already? If not, finish up your phonics work! (we do OPG)

Grammar? (FLL 1)

That covers everything I think is important - unless you want to add a language...oh, and did you mention music & art? (not must haves, just trying to help you think of EVERYTHING) :)

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Logic! Looking up Fallacy Detective...thanks!


AAS is a phonics base, from what I understand. Combined with a reader, it enforces the rules they learn. She also has science and history readers, CLE Nature Readers, etc. We'll start formal grammar in a year or two, i'd rather she had the phonics and reading skills down first. Do I need to supplement AAS? I don't want to overload her.


Music will be through coop, and I am currently looking for a guitar tutor. Piano teachers are all over, and dd might start that, but ds12 wants guitar. ds10 wants no part of music. LOL


Art will be incorporated everywhere. They are a crafty bunch.


Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!

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No, you won't need to supplement AAS, especially if you're working on those additional readers.


Looks like you have a wonderful year. You really can teach writing using your history plans.


You're off to a great start! Good job not over-doing it! That is often a difficult temptation around these parts ;) (I suddenly want a smiley with a cowboy hat in hand).

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