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Kindle/ebooks that are not free

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I love the free books out there but I also want to get some school books that are used in school so that I can clear our shelves. If we don't start getting rid of our paper and ink books then we might have to move! :001_huh:


I use Sonlight mostly, and add other books in. So far this is what I have come up with:


By the Great Horn Spoon

Sing Down the Moon

Beverly Cleary books


The School Story

The Beginner's Bible

A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt

The Minstrel in the Tower

First Language Lessons

Story of the World (all the volumes)


Also, several of the Who Was... books that were mentioned on a recent thread.


There are some, such as Old Yeller, that can't be gotten in the U.S., but that are available overseas.


Has anyone looked methodically through the WTM recommendations to see what is available on Kindle? Or Sonlight or any other literature based curriculum? If no one else has done it then I will continue to do it on my own, and maybe come up with a list to post.

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