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Presbyterians - odd question about a calendar!

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This is probably a very odd request/question, but I figured this might be the place to find an answer!


This morning I noticed a woman doing some planning in Starbucks, and I couldn't help but notice her calendar. When I complemented her on it and asked where she got it, she told me she is a Presbyterian minister and she obtained the calendar through her church for planning purposes. She raved about it as well, actually! She told me the website for the Presbyterian church, so I searched it and found what looks like a similar calendar online. However, I'd like to view this calendar in person before I buy it to see if it's the same and if it will work for my needs.


Can such calendars be bought from a church or local clergy member or only online? Does anyone here have such a calendar and would be willing to describe it? It had several pictures on the front and back cover which were lovely, multicultural drawings (professional, not kid drawings). One drawing was of several children, which I do not see on the calendar listed online.


Thanks in advance for helping with such an odd request!

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All Presbyterian Churches I've been involved with get a lot of stuff through Cokesbury; you might start there.


Call the local Presbyterian Churches (you're likely to land on hers) and ask. :001_smile: "We" tend to pretty friendly and helpful when we are not working for Habitat for Humanity. :lol:


God knew I was going to make that joke. ;)

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Thanks. I came across the Cokesbury website, but didn't look at the calendar too closely. Instead I posted here to see if I'd get any response. Better to look there, I guess! :tongue_smilie:


We seem to have a good amount of Presbyterian churches in my area, so a quick search could not find the woman I spoke to at Starbucks yesterday. I wish I would have had the courage to ask her name!

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I think she was just pointing out that since the person you spoke with was a woman, that narrows your search. PC-USA would be the ones who typically have women as clergy, though the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church) may have them, too. Perhaps you could try calling the churches near that Starbucks and see if you can find her?

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