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Quick Carpet Cleaning???

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I have friends coming over tomorrow morning that haven't been to our house in about 5 years. Between that time and now we have had a dog who got a disease and had several problems on the carpet, now we have a puppy who is potty training, and we've had LOTS of kids coming and going over the years---with mud and dirt and dripping popsicles, etc.


True confession time: Needless to say, our carpet is in bad, really bad shape. It just doesn't clean up well any more! The stains seem like they come right back after we try to clean, only look worse! With the puppy still training, my dh won't consider new carpet/flooring until it's all trained.


I'm rather embarrassed about it, but with a puppy and only one income, we haven't been able to do much about it, except for continuing to spot clean. These friends are wonderful, yet the last time they saw the carpets they were in MUCH better shape, so that's the picture in their mind. Plus, the carpets are JUST BAD!!!


Okay, so, long intro. to my question: Anyone know a "quick fix" I can do to help them look better short term? I'd need to do it today, and am not sure what to do!!! :glare: Anyone know anything to help it look cleaner and smell good???

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I'd rent a Rug Doctor.



Spots literally do come back up because they've soaked into the underlay & you clean the top & then the dirt from the bottom rises up.


that's why I liked to do it midweek & have the machine for 48h - I'd redo those areas the next day. Also, soap/detergent residue attracts the dirt, so if you clean a spot & it's left on a bit of residue, it will get dirty again. Rinsing helps; also spraying a 3M carpet protector thing but I tried to do that as little as possible because I wasn't really happy about that chemical.


Set up lots of fans & keep a window open overnight. If you're worried about them not drying, turn the heat back on (it's been dipping to 15C overnight here. If I were carpet cleaning, I'd turn the furnace on to keep the house an even 20C while the carpet dried).


Febreeze also helps with stinky carpets.

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I'd rent a Rug Doctor.



Spots literally do come back up because they've soaked into the underlay & you clean the top & then the dirt from the bottom rises up.


that's why I liked to do it midweek & have the machine for 48h - I'd redo those areas the next day. Also, soap/detergent residue attracts the dirt, so if you clean a spot & it's left on a bit of residue, it will get dirty again. Rinsing helps; also spraying a 3M carpet protector thing but I tried to do that as little as possible because I wasn't really happy about that chemical.


Set up lots of fans & keep a window open overnight. If you're worried about them not drying, turn the heat back on (it's been dipping to 15C overnight here. If I were carpet cleaning, I'd turn the furnace on to keep the house an even 20C while the carpet dried).


Febreeze also helps with stinky carpets.

Yeah, you're right, this is what I need to do! Just not enough time to get it done this time! :glare: Thanks for the tips, I hadn't thought of doing it again to get stuff that rises!
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Have you tried "Resolve"? That might be a quick and cheap fix until you have time to really get your carpets cleaned....
Yeah, that's what we've been using....



Thanks for the suggestions! One day we'll actually get tobuy new flooring....that'll be exciting!!! :D

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I know that my reply is too late to help with the company visiting, but I wanted to let you know what works for me for future reference. Our carpet is light tan and in terrible shape. I use a scrub brush and laundry detergent to get out the bad spots. It works much better for me than Spot Shot or some of the other cleaners.

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I know that my reply is too late to help with the company visiting, but I wanted to let you know what works for me for future reference. Our carpet is light tan and in terrible shape. I use a scrub brush and laundry detergent to get out the bad spots. It works much better for me than Spot Shot or some of the other cleaners.
That sounds like what I'd need to do, but doesn't that leave soap in the carpet?
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Won't help for today, but nature's miracle works great on pet stains (you may need a black light to find them all). You need to use a lot (so get the big bottle) and let it soak in (I would cover with garbage bags for days). I would use spot shot for the stains itself. And then clean the whole carpet with diluted nature's miracle. Keep in mind too, that if there is urine smell in the carpet the dog may continue to pee there even if s/he is capable of peeing outside.

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If I was you, I would use an enzyme clean for pet spots, Resolve for darker stains and then rent a rug doctor for the entire rug. It won't be perfect but it should look somewhat better.


I use Resolve for spots, an enzyme cleaner for pet issues and I own a carpet cleaner. They do an ok job but not great. I am planning on having them professionally cleaned in the spring and then hoping to get another year out of them before they need to be replaced. I am indecisive regarding color. They pet fur blends in perfectly with the current light tan but other spots really show up. I am afraind if I go any darker then the fur will really show up.

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If I was you, I would use an enzyme clean for pet spots, Resolve for darker stains and then rent a rug doctor for the entire rug. It won't be perfect but it should look somewhat better.


I use Resolve for spots, an enzyme cleaner for pet issues and I own a carpet cleaner. They do an ok job but not great. I am planning on having them professionally cleaned in the spring and then hoping to get another year out of them before they need to be replaced. I am indecisive regarding color. They pet fur blends in perfectly with the current light tan but other spots really show up. I am afraind if I go any darker then the fur will really show up.

I've never tried enzyme cleaner. Where do you get it? What would it look like? Is it liquid?


Yeah, we need new carpet, and I'd like to go with a darker color (we have that light tan color as well. It was in already when we bought the house). Actually, in a couple of walkway areas I'd MUCH prefer hardwood flooring!!!



I found some area rugs at Costco for $9.99 apiece so I got 3 of those to put down to cover the worst areas for while they were here! :) I soooo appreciate the cleaning ideas, and I will be trying them!

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Nature's Miracle & Petastic are both enzyme cleaners. You buy them at pet supply places. They're expensive. I buy gallon jugs (foster dogs LOL) & if I'm lucky it's around $24/gallon. Sometimes goes up to $39 though depending on brand & variety.


Enzyme cleaners need time to work - they're not spray on & wipe off (or suck up) so you need to apply them, put a damp cloth on top to keep the enzymes from drying out & after some hours (or overnight) then start rug shampooing.

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Your friends are coming over to visit you, not your carpet.


Don't stress.

Yes, I'm just using them as an excuse to get moving with doing something about it! :D


And you're right, they didn't mention a thing, and we had a great time together! :001_smile:

Edited by Brindee
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Won't help for today, but nature's miracle works great on pet stains (you may need a black light to find them all). You need to use a lot (so get the big bottle) and let it soak in (I would cover with garbage bags for days). I would use spot shot for the stains itself. And then clean the whole carpet with diluted nature's miracle. Keep in mind too, that if there is urine smell in the carpet the dog may continue to pee there even if s/he is capable of peeing outside.
I missed this post somehow. Thank you! I will look for that.


Nature's Miracle & Petastic are both enzyme cleaners. You buy them at pet supply places. They're expensive. I buy gallon jugs (foster dogs LOL) & if I'm lucky it's around $24/gallon. Sometimes goes up to $39 though depending on brand & variety.


Enzyme cleaners need time to work - they're not spray on & wipe off (or suck up) so you need to apply them, put a damp cloth on top to keep the enzymes from drying out & after some hours (or overnight) then start rug shampooing.

Thank you for the explanation! I will check into this also!



Thanks everyone! :grouphug:

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