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Super Star Speech


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There was a fairly lengthy discussion about speech delays a few months ago. I followed it because I have been concerned about my ds's speech but wanted to wait until he was three to decide what to do. He turned three on Sunday and I feel the need to do something. I saw Super Star Speech recommended for at home speech therapy. If you have used this program could you give me your thoughts on it?


Oh, and for the record, ds saw his doc yesterday. There are no physiological problems, he hears fine, he comprehends fine. The doctor is not worried but at my insistence he did refer me for an eval that we will be doing in September. This seems to be an articulation problem - I just cannot understand the poor boy! Will SSS help us out here? Any other website/at home recommendations?

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My younger did a year of speech therapy, and SuperStar is very similar to what her therapist was doing with her, so I didn't end up using it because she was already getting that, but it's good to know that it's the same kind of things the "professionals" do.


What I did use at home were the Speechercise CDs (got them from Rainbow). They have exercises and silly songs to practice certain sounds, and printable worksheets to go with them. We'd use them in the car. It wasn't something she looked forward to, but it was easy and somewhat fun, especially when mom & big sis were doing exaggerated mouth movements. The worksheets are also similar to what she was doing with the therapist, and I've printed a few to use now that she's out of therapy but still has a few sounds that are tricky.

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My younger did a year of speech therapy, and SuperStar is very similar to what her therapist was doing with her, so I didn't end up using it because she was already getting that, but it's good to know that it's the same kind of things the "professionals" do.



Yes, this is really good to know. I'll check out the CD's you mentioned too. Thanks.


Anyone else?:bigear:

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I used this program with my son 3yrs ago, so it's been awhile. He suddenly developed an issue with r, and it did the job. I remember it being easy to use and ds liking it, but don't remember the actual program. His speech pathologist liked the program when I showed it to her. He had never had previous speech issues, and the r issue was relatively minor, so I was confident we could handle it. More serious speech issues I probably would have wanted the input of a speech therapist. My nephew had almost a year of speech therapy from the age of 2. He was impossible to understand. It was free through the state or county until the age of three, and they came to the house. He is still difficult to understand, but his therapy ended at age 3, and there seems to be a missing link here between early intervention programs and kindergarten. Most ped's around here are pretty aggressive with speech issues and recommend therapy early. I heard a few people talking about the Speechercise cd's at a local educational store and how much they liked them, but we have never used them.

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There was a fairly lengthy discussion about speech delays a few months ago. I followed it because I have been concerned about my ds's speech but wanted to wait until he was three to decide what to do. He turned three on Sunday and I feel the need to do something. I saw Super Star Speech recommended for at home speech therapy. If you have used this program could you give me your thoughts on it?


Oh, and for the record, ds saw his doc yesterday. There are no physiological problems, he hears fine, he comprehends fine. The doctor is not worried but at my insistence he did refer me for an eval that we will be doing in September. This seems to be an articulation problem - I just cannot understand the poor boy! Will SSS help us out here? Any other website/at home recommendations?



I recommend super star speech! I used it with my boys with amazing results! It is a great program that is scripted for you so you know how to implement the program. It is awesome!

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