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My TOG WRiting Aids.....


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Guest ME-Mommy
......arrived yesterday. I love it!!! I am so excited about never looking at or using another writing program again.:D




:D I love WA too! The grading rubrics ROCK!




The more I use WA, the more I find -- it is INCREDIBLE!!

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May I ask what you like about it? I have been SO tempted to buy this, but I'm still on the fence. I have been assigning some of TOG's writing assignments without WA. What does WA add to TOG's writing program that I am missing out on?


Teaching instructions, print outs for the child, grading rubrics so the child knows what is expected of them and how they'll be graded, the same rubrics help mom grade and provide accurate help on how to improve, sample assignments, etc. It was created to dovetail with TOG, it's a perfect fit. Worth it's price for sure!

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Guest ME-Mommy
Teaching instructions, print outs for the child, grading rubrics so the child knows what is expected of them and how they'll be graded, the same rubrics help mom grade and provide accurate help on how to improve, sample assignments, etc. It was created to dovetail with TOG, it's a perfect fit. Worth it's price for sure!


:iagree: -- and a lot of help for Mom w/ placement, adjusting levels up or down, etc. It's truly a God-send!!

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How does this differ from WTM writing? (By WTM writing, I mean dictation, outlining, then writing from the outline until you've got an essay - what Susan puts forth in her latest writing lecture).


The difference is what it covers. It's a k-12 curriculum, meant to cover many different types of work. So, yes, it covers essay writing, but also covers everything from Level 1 - writing sentences to literary analysis, classical comparison, writing a thesis for your essay, paragraph writing, etc.


I went to the site to provide a link for you that shows the Table of Contents, but there isn't one. I really feel this is going to catch on as one of the top writing curriculums to own now that I've actually opened it up and started to use it... And put the CD in the computer.


I think, by far, what I picture being most useful is examples of work for the appropriate age and the grading rubrics for Mom and child.

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May I ask what you like about it? I have been SO tempted to buy this, but I'm still on the fence. I have been assigning some of TOG's writing assignments without WA. What does WA add to TOG's writing program that I am missing out on?



It appears to have very thorough teaching instruction, aweseom grading rubics - every possible writing genre out there! It's hard to put in to words....it just seems ideal.

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OH man. This complicates things. My oldest son will begin logic stage next school year, and I've narrowed down my history choices to history as laid out in WTM or TOG. I was sure I'd continue the WTM writing progression through the end of 8th grade and almost sure about doing so w/ high school. BUT, doing so requires me to know what I'm doing & how to teach writing, where something like TOG's WA doesn't require so much hairpulling and sleepless nights out of me. :)


I'm going to go take a look at the TOG site and reread WTM logic stage writing. If I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around exactly how to do the WTM writing in a year, this may be the way to go. Thanks for posting it, OP!

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Thank ya'll for posting, I just ordered YR 2 U3 DE to make sure we like it (which I think we really will), and I was on the fence with WA. Think I will be making the purchase now.


This is the same one I bought. We start the 23rd. I am so excited! Have fun!

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My Writing Aids arrived, too while I was on a 4 night camping trip with my son.

You sound excited about it and now I can't wait to look through it myself!

I hope I love it as well :D


I'll post again what I think about it. I'm just about to finish our first unit with TOG and we have LOVED it!


I am just getting my WA so I am eager to see what it holds :lurk5:

Loretta (DS7)

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We did the first 7 weeks of unit one without it which was easy because it was adding pages to the Grammar & Composition (G&C) notebook with headings for each part of speech. One part of speech per week starting with Nouns.

We did a ton of worksheets printed off the internet for each part of speech and did make word cards on index cards.


This last assignment was to write down the Steps to Writing Process so I guess I got my book just in time.


My DD 7 just did that. He wrote the steps and also a brief description of what is involved with each step.


We also discussed the steps so it is all good!


The book is chock full of all kinds or resources.

It doesn't give assignments (the assignments are in the Tog assignments) but tells how to write a certain type of style!


I didn't have my WA book so when week 7 assignment was to study Parts of a Sentence.

I winged it! Went online and figured out Predicate and Subject and all that stuff!

He did worksheets and we have been labeling parts of speech on our own!

Diagramming sp? sentences w the parts of speech. That came naturally and my DS picked up on it like a duck to water.

That pleases me ;)


It doesn't say to label parts of speech in a sentence but that is what I like about homeschooling in general. Things just naturally flow from your lessons and they end up being exposed to so much more than they would have!


Having said all that I am HAPPY as a PIG in DIRT to have my WA in hand now and have things more clearly outlined for me!


I personally think it is a must! But it really isn't, yk? It isn't absolutely mandatory but when there is an assignment for say Comparison writing. Then you would have to research comparison writing on your own on the internet or from another book (unless you know it all by heart) and it is so much easier having it all right there!


It would be an asset to ANY curriculum imo :lol:


My guess is that people who don't like it are looking for a more student led writing book. Because WA does describe a lot of parent involvement in proofing the writing, correcting, etc. (This is just an idea.. there are plenty of other reasons the parent might not like it) ;)

But no matter what you use you have to give input on their writing! :001_huh:





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