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Need advice about Soft Car Top Carriers

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My girls and I want to tent camp as often as we can but my only car is an older Camry. The times we've been camping, my poor car was loaded to the max. I'm trying to pare down our equipment but we're still crowded. I found a company online selling soft carriers that can be used with or without roof racks.

My Camry doesn't have racks. We would only put in the carrier soft items such as sleeping bags, clothes, etc. I would so very much appreciate any advice, information or suggestions. TIA



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This is the one that we have. We have the rack on top that it ties to, but you could tie it to the door frames, maybe. It works great. WE fit the tent, 6 chairs, and all 6 sleeping bags in it. If it wasn't on top of a van that makes it hard to reach, I could probably fit some more in it, but it is hard to reach the top of the van.

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We have 2 and have used them both at once! I love them, just a word of warning, if it rains your stuff may get wet. We had suitcases in ours and all of my clothes got wet in the one suitcase. Since that happened, I now put everything in trash bags or if we have very large items, contractor bags, before putting them in the carriers.

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