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Transcripts question

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I need to start thinking about how to keep records for high school, and how to prepare transcripts (what to include, how to score them, etc.)


Can anyone help me on where to start learning about it? I did a search on this board, but I'm not really getting the information I need.


Is there a book or web site that is useful?

Hot Lava Mama

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Basically, make a yearly portfolio to document what's been done (just like for a yearly evaluation.) Include lots of pictures (dc doing volunteer work, labs, any art projects or other performances. . .)

Yearly do a transcript w/ grades--add in each years classes & get an avg. GPA then when you get to the application times, you have less to add in.


As to how to do a transcript, you decide what a credit is & what grading scale you use (90-100=A, etc is the most common) and make a simple Course title and go from there.


Books I've found helpful are Barb Sheldon's Form-U-La & Cafi Cohen's Homeschooling: The Teen Years

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