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<sigh> Another round of "Would you eat this?" Wanna play?

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Dh & I went out for Chinese this afternoon. I couldn't eat all my food, and I wound up putting most of it into a styrofoam container to bring home. It was still hot when I put it into the container. Then I went to the grocery store and dh went to his office, where he put the container into the refrigerator. About 1/2 hour later--not long enough for the food to get cold, or even cool--he took the container out of the refrigerator and put it into the car for the 10 minute ride home. He forgot to bring it in when he got home, and it sat in the hot car for 1 1/2 hours. It was not in direct sunlight, but the windows were rolled up, and it's in the mid-90s today. I should toss it, right? Oh, it is Kung Pao Chicken, if that matters.

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Honestly, I'm not that picky about this stuff. Was the car hot enough that the food might have been kept at a safely high temperature? It sounds like only 1 1/2 hours to me. If your don't have a delicate system, I wouldn't worry about it. If it makes you feel better, you could reheat it on the stove, adding some liquid and allowing it to come to a boil before you eat it, just to be safe.



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Toss it out!!!


Just think about all of the lovely bacteria growing inside that food... :ack2:


And the worst thing about it is that it would probably taste just fine, because all of the spices would cover any telltale "bad" taste or smell.


I am always overly cautious when it comes to "would you eat this," but this time, I wouldn't even think twice before throwing that food out.


Don't forget to air out the car... ;)



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Thinking about those stories about how hot the inside of a car can get even on a much cooler day, I'm figuring the car was pretty dang hot for those 90 minutes. Like, oven hot, maybe?


I might eat it but I've never gotten food sick so I am less conservative than some.

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I'd heat it up on the stove and eat it. In fact, I don't think it would even occur to me not to!


Me too! It's not like it was raw meat that was left out.


When we have big family dinners at my mil's house (Easter, Mother's Day, etc.) we eat the big meal in the early afternoon. When everyone has eaten, we cover the buffet table with a clean bed sheet. As the afternoon goes by and others arrive or someone wants more to eat, we just peel back the sheet, serve the food, and recover it. We have been doing this for over 20 years, and no one has ever gotten sick.

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