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"First Day" ideas?


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New here (and to homeschooling). Hello everyone!


We are about to begin our first year of homeschooling and I can't seem to get a good idea on a "first day". I want to be sure to make it something special and commemorate the adventure we're beginning together as a family. So I thought I'd ask some veterans. icon_biggrin.gif


Have you started a "first day" tradition? Or did your family depart the public school system for home, how did you commemorate the occasion?



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I asked my son what he wanted to do to celebrate the first day and he said he wanted to go for ice cream. Easy enough! :tongue_smilie: Tomorrow is our first day, so after dinner we'll walk to Baskin Robbins. We have a club card and get cones for a buck on Monday's. :001_smile:

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Welcome to the boards and to homeschooling! :)


Some folks I know prefer NOT to do school work on the first day of public school. Also, those first 2 weeks are great to go on field trips, b/c it's usually not crowded from summer tourists or school groups, so keep that in mind.


Wait till you go to the library or a bookstore and enjoy the peace and quiet. *Happy sighing*


I don't know the ages of your dc, but since you're new, you may want to gently establish a routine. Get in a groove for the basics and then add subjects as you get more comfortable. And I love reading to mine while we snuggle on my bed, or while they knit, build w/ Legos, hang upside down, do push-ups, etc. I hope that's part of your school time too, but that's special *everyday* w/ us. :)


Happy homeschooling! Enjoy the journey. I am truly blessed by homeschooling mine.

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I love the first day. :)

We always have a first day picture and I make up a little first day worksheet. (also have a last day of each, so they know to look for these in their yearly scrapbooks. :)) It's fun to see these over the years. I include questions like "What is your favorite thing to do", how tall, things you hope to learn,etc. Fun to compare over the years. I also take that photo in the same place every year so they can see how they have grown.


I think it was last year's LAST day actually, that they wanted to dress up in costumes for that picture. It's just a fun tradition.


Whatever school supplies/treats that are new this year are "unveiled" on the first day as well.


We do light schoolwork to introduce the new stuff, review some things, usually using a game to do so. Last year was our first doing workboxes, so that was a fun novelty for our first day. It's old hat now. :tongue_smilie:


Then we'll go somewhere fun when the day is over like out for ice cream or a fun place for dinner.


Fun day. I love school and want the kick-off to be a day to remember.

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Our local homeschooling community has a not-back-to-school picnic at a playground on the first day of school. I think even if they didn't, that would be a part of what we do on that first day when everyone else is back. I completely agree that I'm counting down the days, simply because I can't wait to get the park, the library, and all the cool places back all to ourselves again. That truly is awesome!


Last year, on the official 2nd day of school, we did pictures, complete with little sheets I printed with their names and grade/ages. I didn't do much else, but I could totally foresee doing either ice cream or out to Starbucks for a treat as something special.


If we were coming out of the system, I'd probably make that first day, when all the other kids "have" to go, something really fun--go to a movie, go hiking, something that would be the envy of kids in school, just to show how fantastic homeschooling will be. :D But I'm mean like that! :lol:

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I posted this somewhere else, too. But we are also 'coming out of the system'!! We were afterschooling starting back in April and held a light summer school schedule so there is no official 1st day of school. BUT, i did tell my children that the first day the yellow school bus goes by, we are going to the aquarium!! it will tie into the swimming creatures science curriculum we are using.


Robin in NJ

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New here (and to homeschooling). Hello everyone!


We are about to begin our first year of homeschooling and I can't seem to get a good idea on a "first day". I want to be sure to make it something special and commemorate the adventure we're beginning together as a family. So I thought I'd ask some veterans. icon_biggrin.gif


Have you started a "first day" tradition? Or did your family depart the public school system for home, how did you commemorate the occasion?




When we began officially homeschooling, we were stationed in Germany. So we did Schultueten (school cones) full of goodies (school supplies, toys and candy). I let it slip a little when we moved, but I'm reviving the tradition. I'm using storage boxes instead of cones (our box is about double shoebox sized).


The funny thing is that I've let a couple of the kids help with picking out some of what will go into the boxes. I think they've enjoyed getting to pick out what will surprise the others.


I think we'll also be going to our homeschool group's Not The First Day of School Party, where we rent out the pool and have it all to ourselves while everyone else is headed off to school. (Of course last year's had to be rescheduled because the first day was the day a major typhoon hit. We ended up actually doing a weather unit of watching the windspeed rise and fall and drawing our own pictures for a Beaufort Scale. I'm hoping to skip that this year.)

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We also do the Schultuete and my boys look forward to theirs all summer long! This year their cones will include their school supplies, a few natural candies, new stainless steel water bottles to use for school, a small toy for each boy and homemade coupons for things like a Starbucks game night with mom or dad and such.


Also on the first day we do ice cream for dinner which is a one time a year sort of thing! They love it! :)

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Thanks so much for all the great input so far. Some really neat things have been mentioned. We hadn't planned on taking the entire summer off, it just sort of happened in the busyness of the season. :tongue_smilie: Ugh. I'd like to ease us in over the next three weeks, I'm really not concerned with starting around the same time as the school system, a bit more of just being ready to get "our" school started. All the kids are pretty excited (3 of my 5 are school aged).

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We always decorate the room we'll be schooling in (use to be in the kitchen, now in the school room) with loads of streamers and balloons and these stay up the whole first week. I always ask what they want to do and they always want to paint pictures....but I think some of these other ideas sound great....esp. doing something fun when ps kids go back. Maybe we'll go the zoo...

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Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast is a big hit around here! Also, my kids look forward to a treasure hunt for their school supplies. I hide the new supplies and a few treats (pack of gum, cool bookmark, new timer, etc.) around the house the night before. I write up clues to help them locate the supplies. It's amazing how much they enjoy a treasure hunt!

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I love these threads!! ;)


We start the days with special breakfast (Bulls' Eyes - scrambled eggs in the center of toast). Then we take pictures and unveil our school supplies! This year we are starting with an orientation day, so we'll go over the schedule, the rules, etc.


I also do the first day of school surveys where they draw a self portrait, give their signature, and answer questions about their interests, etc. This year we are hoping to meet some friends for lunch out.


For our afternoon activity, we tie-dye school shirts. I make logos ahead of time and iron them on. My kiddos really enjoy wearing these all year. :)


We start Friday ... and I can finally say I'm ready!! ;)

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Last year I really stressed over something that would be special for my 5 daughters (grades 9,4,3,2,K). The first day arrived and we went out to breakfast with Daddy (family tradition) and then out for manicures. When we had all dried, we spent a few hours at a local bookstore.IThe girls LOVED it! In fact, they've been talking about our "tradition" all year! LOL! We always take off the first week that the local kids go back to school. In my experience, the most essential "First Day of School" ingredient is MY enthusiasm.

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I love the self portrait idea and hope I remember that in a few weeks when we start!


Two years ago we went out for breakfast and we invited grammie and grampa out with us to playe glow in the dark mini golf. Last year I secretly hid 5 geocaches filled with school supplies in a nearby park. I told my dc that new caches had been hid. They were super excited and we had so much fun. They didn't figure out that I had hid them until the final geocache filled with a new lego kit was found!


I am not sure what I will do this year. Last year was so much fun.

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Our local homeschooling community has a not-back-to-school picnic at a playground on the first day of school. I think even if they didn't, that would be a part of what we do on that first day when everyone else is back. I completely agree that I'm counting down the days, simply because I can't wait to get the park, the library, and all the cool places back all to ourselves again. That truly is awesome!


Last year, on the official 2nd day of school, we did pictures, complete with little sheets I printed with their names and grade/ages. I didn't do much else, but I could totally foresee doing either ice cream or out to Starbucks for a treat as something special.


If we were coming out of the system, I'd probably make that first day, when all the other kids "have" to go, something really fun--go to a movie, go hiking, something that would be the envy of kids in school, just to show how fantastic homeschooling will be. :D But I'm mean like that! :lol:


We go to a back to school picnic too. It is so nice to see all the other homeschoolers. It is reassuring to see all the other people that choose to homeschool.

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