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Rosemond mentions WTM

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Interesting that he would specifically refer readers to a HOMESCHOOLING method. He's not a big fan of homeschooling, at least not the kind where one interacts with one's children in the way that most people here homeschool, or have homeschooled, their children.


I really can't stand this "expert." See his homeschool article here.


I'm sure someone might point out that he's not really against it, or they agree with him. That's fine, but it offends me that he says everyone should do it this way.


Ooh, see paragraph 2 above. :tongue_smilie:

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I really can't stand this "expert." See his homeschool article here.



I disagree with some of his approaches & we're on opposite sides of the spectrum politically, but I do find some pieces of his advice useful. I do like that he pushes parent-led approaches. It is a nice counter to too much of the child-led parenting.


Thought the link to WTM was interesting though. :001_smile:

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That is interesting, thanks for sharing.


Sometimes I agree with him and sometimes I think he is an absolute NUT.:tongue_smilie:


:iagree:I remember being repeatedly disgusted while reading the 6 point plan, regarding "telling the kids" what to do. I direct my child a lot, at his young age:"please wash your hands, set the table, and then carry X to the table. Thank you." However, JR has NOT one please or thank you in any example conversations (e.g. how to tell children it is time to go home....not "X, let's go home and see Sissy" but "Time to go home. Put on your shoes and come to the car"). I don't think I'm above saying please and thank you to my child, and I don't think it undermines my authority. Even my parents, who were obeyed without question, said please and thank you every time.

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