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Need your help with 8th grade Grammar for my son -


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I used Bob Jones DVD's for 7th grade Grammar last year. It went really well and my son would like to do one more year of Grammar. We generally stop Grammar at 7th and start doing more writing. I don't think he wants to do the 7th grade over again, so I'm trying to find an alternative. I am dealing with cancer and will be starting chemo in a few weeks, so I was counting on doing Bob Jones Grammar by DVD, but it's not in the budget. I thought I had the decision made and settled so I haven't researched a whole lot of other options. So, what would you recommend we use? He wants someone (not me) to teach it to him to help take the stress off of me. He's a sweetie.


Please share your ideas.





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If your ds decides he might want to try it without a teacher CLE LA 8 is a good option Is he willing to work through a book in any of his other subjects, or does he prefer generally to have a teacher, video or otherwise?


CLE is very thorough, can be done totally independently, and is very inexpensive. Here is a link to samples.




We had been using R&S up until 7th when I needed to find something less teacher intensive for dd. We switched to CLE and are now in our second year with it. Good luck!



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I don't think I've ever heard of any LA program that is a video program. We use online classes with K12 and Keystone, but they aren't videos. The student still reads his own lessons. Keystone has teachers that check work and give feedback, but those classes are expensive at $400 per class. They have middle school classes as well as high school. But their LA programs are full, including all aspects of LA, not just grammar. Sorry!

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But if he just needs *grammar,* then he certainly doesn't need BJUP (or ABeka, for that matter), as the BJUP DVD includes composition and literature, yes? I mean, isn't it the whole English course? If he wants just grammar, then he's looking at something like Easy Grammar or Winston Grammar.

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