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Economics for Middle Schoolers? Ideas?


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My 6th grader has been interested in the economy for over a year. He likes to watch the stock reports; he wants to understand the housing market crash, and the like.


I have NO idea how to help him learn more or what resources to bring into our home that would be appropriate for a self-motivated, eager learner of his age. He wants to take his savings and buy stock (YIKES or Yay...I don't know yet), but I told him he needs to better understand the hows and whys before plunking his money down (and it is every penny since he was 2 years old, LOL....he loves money :D).

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The Uncle Eric books by Richard Maybury? We think they're great here. :D They come from a strong Austrian/Monetarist perspective, so if you're into Keynes you probably won't enjoy them. ;)


(Speaking of which...I can't pass up the chance to share this great Keynes/Hayek rap video!

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