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Introducing myself.....

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Hi everyone!! I realized that I've hung out here for 2-2 1/2 years reading and learning from all of you and never introduced myself (I tend to be a talker not a typer). So, here goes. My dh and I have been together for 32 years and have two dds who we've homeschooled from the beginning. Our oldest dd is leaving for college for the first time in two weeks and our youngest dd will be a junior. I also wanted to let you all know that you've helped me through many difficult times and provided more wisdom than I can ever repay. Thank you for everything!!!!

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Thanks everyone! I haven't thought of myself as a veteran but Sunday at a park I ran into a newby homeschooler who I then spent a couple of hours with just talking and answering questions about the experience. It was really cool!:001_smile:

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