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Middle-aged memory loss?

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I used to be really sharp with a great memory. I never had to write anything down. But the last few months, my memory is getting really bad. I log onto the computer to look something up and by the time the computer comes on, I've forgotten what I was on for. I went to the freezer 3 times today to get meat out for dinner. And I was just making herbal tea & went to get a spoon & forgot between the stove & the drawer. I'm only 43.


Is this the normal middle-age memory loss that everyone talks about or does this sound more concerning? Wow is all I can say. I'm a little freaked out about it.

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Oh my gosh I'm 37 and that stuff happens to me ALL.THE.TIME. I go in a room, and forget why I went in there. I'll think of something when I'm in the shower and think "Oh, I have to do that/write that down when I get out"- and by the time I get out, I've forgotten what I was thinking of.


I can't stand it! lol.

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I used to be really sharp with a great memory. I never had to write anything down. But the last few months, my memory is getting really bad. I log onto the computer to look something up and by the time the computer comes on, I've forgotten what I was on for. I went to the freezer 3 times today to get meat out for dinner. And I was just making herbal tea & went to get a spoon & forgot between the stove & the drawer. I'm only 43.


Is this the normal middle-age memory loss that everyone talks about or does this sound more concerning? Wow is all I can say. I'm a little freaked out about it.



Both stress and depression can contribute to memory loss at any age. Are you eating properly and getting plenty of exercise?

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I used to be really sharp with a great memory. I never had to write anything down. But the last few months, my memory is getting really bad. I log onto the computer to look something up and by the time the computer comes on, I've forgotten what I was on for. I went to the freezer 3 times today to get meat out for dinner. And I was just making herbal tea & went to get a spoon & forgot between the stove & the drawer. I'm only 43.


Is this the normal middle-age memory loss that everyone talks about or does this sound more concerning? Wow is all I can say. I'm a little freaked out about it.


I'm 43 and like that too. I've always had a good memory, but lately, UGH! It's so frustrating when you've never had those issues before.


I've looked at several issues that have affected memory. Stress, depression, insomnia, and simply doing more things. I'm not sure if it's age or just this season of my life when my brain is busying trying to work out so many things.


To offset it I try to keep paper in every room. I was pretty used to keeping lists for household stuff as dh has poor short term memory, but I keep notepad by the computer, I keep a notepad by my nightstand too. Many nights I'll be almost asleep and remember something, so grab the notepad and write it down.


I also try to work on logic games, taking time for myself, and time to allow my mind to wander and settle down. It seems like when I can really thing through a thought and its tangents I feel more alert.

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I forget all the time and have had the same concerns as you:D



Stress, anxiety, and depression can contribute as well. I take Vitamin D3 2000 to 6000 units per day, Fish oil 3-6 caps a day, Vitamin B12 1000 mcg daily, resveratrol 4 caps a day, and occasional mixed B vitamins to assist with the old brain and general health;) Ask your doctor though.

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I've been hypothyroid for about 5 years. One of my symptoms was short term memory loss. My dd's would joke and tell people that they were my memory. It would be good to know just so you can count it out. Sleep deprivation can also cause memory loss.

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hormone changes



not young anymore



I've experienced all of the above but unfortunately, the last one just gets worse and worse! :D


Oh and staring at a screen too much along with lack of exercise seems to get me in a foggier state as well.

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I am 43 as well and have the issues that you describe. I find the word finding difficulties the most troublesome and obvious to others, though. My 7 year old has taken to finishing my sentences because I drop off mid-sentence after not being able to find the word I am looking for, though I see the object quite clearly in my head. Eventually I find it, but it takes a while...

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I am 43 as well and have the issues that you describe. I find the word finding difficulties the most troublesome and obvious to others, though. My 7 year old has taken to finishing my sentences because I drop off mid-sentence after not being able to find the word I am looking for, though I see the object quite clearly in my head. Eventually I find it, but it takes a while...


Yes! I've been noticing the same thing over the last couple of years. It's very disconcerting to be talking to someone and have to stop in the middle of a sentence to try to "retrieve" a word.


That, and I notice my recall is fading. For instance, I can hear a song that I've known for years, yet I won't be able to remember the name or who sings it. Even though I know it....sigh....

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Yes, I am 43 and this has been an issue for me for several years. I used to tease and even get annoyed with my 13years older dh, as it hit him about the same age, while my memory was just fine!


It does seem to have something to do with middle age, but I also wonder if we are simply in information overload nowadays, and are constantly overstimulated, and our brains cant hold it all. I wonder if it has always been the case- middle age memory loss. It has happened to most people I know. I also wonder if it is electromagnetic radiation overload affecting the way teh brain works- but then it shouldnt just happen in middle age, shoudl it? Unless thats just when we cant override it anymore.


I have learned to write lists and try and finish one thing at a time. I am taking gingko and I must admit I think it is helping (it is a memory herb- helps circulation to the extremeties, and the brain is an extremeity :) ) But its the lists adn constantly writing things down that helps. As for walking from one side of the room to the other and foregetting why I did so...I guess I have got used to it, and I just stand there looking silly till it comes back to me. Its most noticeable when I walk two steps to the other side of my small kitchen and cant remember why.

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Me too. I'm 28. My mom even noticed.


ETA: Hmmmm, I do have Hashimoto's (thyroid problems) and a newborn...I'm due to get my levels checked and an ultrasound on my thyroid so this reminds me to make the appointment. I'm sure I'll forget to, though.

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Are you getting enough sleep? If you have not been getting enough sleep for a long time (e.g. waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep from hormone issues, etc.) then it will impact your memory big time. It takes a while to get enough back in your "sleep bank."


Multi-tasking can do that as well.

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It does seem to have something to do with middle age, but I also wonder if we are simply in information overload nowadays, and are constantly overstimulated, and our brains cant hold it all.




This is my concern. Too. Much. Information. The problem is that it is not information I need to think deeply about. The internet has done ugly things to my attention span and memory :tongue_smilie:. Sometimes I think I need an intervention!


I have noticed when we are on vacation, and away from our computers, I think more clearly! Conversations don't drop off mid sentence and I remember what I was supposed to pick up at the grocery store.

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I was once in a check-out line, when the cashier lamented some forgetful mistake she had made. My response? "I call it 'Mother's Brain'." She chuckled and informed me that her kids had grown and moved out long ago. "Oh, you never get it back!" was my reply. ;)

Honestly, I think the stress of multi-tasking, keeping on top of everything for everyone, takes it's toll over the years. Maybe our working memories lose capacity as we age. Whatever it is, I'm blaming it on the kids :lol:.

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