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4th and 7th grade history


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I have 2 sons (9 & 12), and we're just starting SOTW 2 (middle ages) this year. I'm wondering how best to "beef it up" for my 7th grader. Has anyone used SWB's History of the Medieval World, along with SOTW? Is it something my 7th grader could read by himself? Would you just use parts of it? Or should I save that for high school level and do something else?


Thanks for any ideas!

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I haven't seen History of the Medieval World, but I have read History of the Ancient World, and I'm assuming they're similar. I wouldn't have a 12yo read it unless he was fairly advanced and passionate about history.


A fabulous series for kids in grades 5-8 is K12 Human Odyssey (3 volumes). It's coherent, well written, and interesting, and is a step up in level from SOTW.

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I think it would make a good read aloud for a seventh grader, or even a good read alone if he's already pretty knowledgable about the period.


Otherwise, I think I'd just add in more reading of living books for him to beef up his studies.


You could choose several topics from each chapter of SOTW and have him pick one or more to research online and/or at the library, checking out books to help him make an oral and/or written report to you and younger son about his discoveries.

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Thank you everyone for your ideas! I think I will save History of Medieval Times for HS level, or do it as a read aloud now, because he's not at an advanced reading level. I just purchased k12 Human Odyssey off Amazon. I didn't even know this existed. I wish I could actually have viewed the text (hard to find online), but the reviews I read were great and he needs something that can be read independently. thanks everyone!

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You could read SOTW to both kids, then have your older son read the corresponding entry in one of the recommended encyclopedias (the corresponding entries are listed in the AGuide). He could outline (main idea, to start, then two to three level outlines) or make a short list of facts for each entry. Then he could pick one topic a week or every couple of weeks, and do more research on his own. He could also add pertinent dates to a time line.


This is the WTM way of handling the Logic stage history.

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