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National Geographic maps


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My wonderful MIL had a GIANT bookshelf full of years of Nat. Geo. magazines. She wanted to give them to us but we DO NOT have the space so I declined. She did go through and pulled out all of the maps and gave them to us. They are really nice but I'm having trouble using them. What would you do? I'm thinking I need to make a master list to keep with our school stuff and try to remember to pull them out at the appropriate times???

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Your list idea sounds great! I know I tend to put something away to use when I need it and then usually forget about it.


Another choice is go through this year's curriculum for history, geog etc and then use a post it note right in the text at the appropriate time.


I know those National Geographic maps are wonderful resources.



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As far as storing them goes... you could buy a binder and some sheet protectors. Place each map into one sheet protector and write the name/region of the map. OR you could number the "pockets" and have the numbers correspond with your master list.

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At the beginning of my school year I go through my maps and pull any that I can use for the year. I simply add them to my books on the shelf so they're ready to use when we get to them. I have laminated some of them over the years for classes that I've done so that I can use wipe off markers on them as we're talking about movement of peoples, for instance, or other things....

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I save the Nat. Geo. maps, too, and I think they are great! Ok, this might not work for you but I thought I would share what I did a few years ago with some maps we had.


I placed them on our kitchen table and put clear contact paper over them and attached it to the underside of the table. I also put in smaller items like puzzles, mazes, unusual facts, etc. to fill in between the maps and make it more visually interesting. The contact paper made it easy to wipe off and keep clean without damaging the maps underneath.


I left it on for a month or two. We all enjoyed having it there to look at during meals and my kids still remember a lot of what was on there.


The only thing that I didn't like about doing it was that it left a bit of stickiness on the underside of the table where it was attached. I ended up having to use a little sandpaper to get it off.


Hmmm, maybe I will get out a few maps and do it again.

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