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Upd on adult child angst

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Just wanted to update re: my oldest and the on-going confusion this year. She had swine flu before our house fire and was in the E.R. 2 days after the fire for a blood clot due to the swine flu. This summer she "developed" a seeping cyst on her breast, which we are thinking is more fall-out from the swine flu. 2nd semester her first serious boy-friend (they were talking a June wedding) broke up with her and she just plummeted. My dh mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he thinks she was experiencing post-viral depression and that is partly why she has been so needy/exasperating/selfish.

She's been sounding much more like hereself and she and our 19 dd are co-paying for her to fly out and spend the week with us in the Black Hills in a couple of weeks and she'll be able to come home for 3 days and see the "new" house with us before she flies back to school. We are all really excited to have some time together that is fun and relaxing. She is feeling better physically and sounding more like herself- praise GOD!

Thanks for all of the feed-back and input earlier this summer. It was a rough time. Not sure it's all over yet but seems like we are back on track (phew).

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