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3-ring lined paper

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Last year I bought notebook paper at what was a good bargain price, but it turned out to be terrible paper. It was very thin and didn't erase easily. As much as we go through I'm needing to find some better quality stuff and wondered if any of you school supply gurus ;) has found a brand that they're happy with.

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http://www.officemax.com/office-supplies/paper/filler-paper/product-ARS20496 I like 5 Star brand spiral notebooks. I know a lot of people go for the cheapest supplies possible, but I like a nice smooth paper. 5 Star usually has a nice smooth finish and a good weight.


http://www.staples.com/Rediform-Rip-Proof-Reinforced-College-Ruled-Filler-Paper-8-1-2-x/product_533059?cmArea=SEARCH This one is a 20lb paper which is the same weight as quality printer paper.


I have a friend who buys her kids legal pads instead of loose paper. She can get those in a nice finish paper for less money than loose leaf. I didn't see a brand I recognized at these websites. If you really, really want to know, I may be able to call her. I think the best bet, would be to go to an office supply store and feel the different papers.


As someone else mentioned, printing your own may be the way to go.

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http://www.officemax.com/office-supplies/paper/filler-paper/product-ARS20496 I like 5 Star brand spiral notebooks. I know a lot of people go for the cheapest supplies possible, but I like a nice smooth paper. 5 Star usually has a nice smooth finish and a good weight.



I like a good bargain but when it hits the point it isn't working, then it's not worth it. I think I picked this up for about 25 cents a pack on clearance last year.


To my surprise, yesterday I found the Mead/5 star reinforced loose leaf paper at Walmart. It was $2.50 for 100 sheets vs. 75 cents for 150 but I was pleased since $4.99 was going to be out of my price range. My kids weren't all thrilled with the reinforced margin since it has five star inked in but they'll get over it when they realize they can actually erase the paper.


When I picked it up I remembered that Mead was the common brand of paper we used when I was in school. I don't think I've seen it out as the standard filler paper for years. I suppose we can thank the Walmart price wars for that.


Thanks for the ideas. :)

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