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Engrade, Edu-Track or Homeschool Tracker

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We don't use a tracking system. After trying many types of planners and notebook records, eetc, we now use the planners from Encore Ink/URtheMom. At the end of the year, the student has a complete portfolio/scrapbook that includes books read, quarter and end-of-the-year grades, places visited, textbooks/workbooks completed, etc. The planner includes envelopes to keep important papers and tests for each semester. With everything in one place, putting together a transcript will be a snap.



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Does HST+ allow you to track the amount of time (hours) spent on each assignment or subject? I tried HomeSchool Minder, but it didn't. Then I got the trial of HST+ and never got a chance to play around with it, as we went on vacation.


Yes. Watch the videos, I found that the fastest way to get my head around it.

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Has anyone tried the above tracking systems or have one you like better? I want one that provides forms for transcripts tht will include xtra curricular activities, book lists, community service etc. Am I wanting too much?:glare:


I treid the HST basic and did not like it. I am having fun with home school tracker!! you do have to pre-enter the amount of time for each subject, but you can change the actualy amount after the fact. My daughter looked at thr schedule one day and said "I have to spend 60 minutes on math??" No, I just preloaded it at 60 minutes, you only do 2 lessons, however long it takes you.


you can enter book lists in the resources tab, and community service in the hooby section (I think)


robin in NJ

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Have you considered Skedtrack? I'm using it now, and it prepares a transcript, has a place for book lists, etc. And it's free!

http://www.homeschoolskedtrack.com/ (you can click on screen shots to see the various transcript options to see if that will fill your needs)


I use Skedtrack, too. I found HST+ to be too much work (I don't have to keep any records for my state), and I only wanted something that spit out report cards, transcripts, and book lists. Skedtrack fits the bill, although you can certainly add lesson plans if you want. And free always works for me.. :tongue_smilie:

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