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What is "The Dark Side"?

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I don't know, but I hear they have cookies.


And red light sabers!!!:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:


In reference to Star Wars it's the side where people use their connection to "The Force" for evil. The good side (Jedi) use their connection to the Force to help others and keep the dark side at bay. Poor Anakin, if only he'd understood that Jedi cookies are better for you. :lol:

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And red light sabers!!!:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:


In reference to Star Wars it's the side where people use their connection to "The Force" for evil. The good side (Jedi) use their connection to the Force to help others and keep the dark side at bay. Poor Anakin, if only he'd understood that Jedi cookies are better for you. :lol:


Thank you. Anytime I disclose (with great fear and trepidation) to a new friend that I have never seen the Star Wars movies dh always adds, "and yet I married her anyway!". He's such a giver.


And don't worry, my kids watch the movies. I can't. I fall asleep just hearing the theme song. :001_huh:

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Well, in the context of Christianity, it is often used to refer to Reformed/Calvinist/Doctrines of Grace beliefs. Other than that, I'm not sure.



Yes--used to refer to Reform Christians here.

Kinda funny, isn't it? And it's a self-reference--they came up with it themselves--in case anyone gets their knickers in a knot about name-callin'!!:D

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Thank you. Anytime I disclose (with great fear and trepidation) to a new friend that I have never seen the Star Wars movies dh always adds, "and yet I married her anyway!". He's such a giver.


And don't worry, my kids watch the movies. I can't. I fall asleep just hearing the theme song. :001_huh:


REALLY? When I was a girl, I loved SW so much. I was always upset that there were no female Jedi warriors, but oh how I wanted to be Princess Leah. I still love the original 3 movies (as cheesy as they are now) and will happily watch them. Indy loooooooves SW right now but he prefers the 3 new movies (blech). I can't believe there are people who have never seen them. They are crazy action-y and have a moral to them: redemption.

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Ah, I have learned something new. I knew about the SW reference (my kids love the movies right now), but I did not know it meant something else here.


The red lightsabers are cool! Darth Maul's double saber is really cool!:001_smile: Not cool enough to join him, but cool none-the-less.:tongue_smilie:

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REALLY? When I was a girl, I loved SW so much. I was always upset that there were no female Jedi warriors, but oh how I wanted to be Princess Leah. I still love the original 3 movies (as cheesy as they are now) and will happily watch them. Indy loooooooves SW right now but he prefers the 3 new movies (blech). I can't believe there are people who have never seen them. They are crazy action-y and have a moral to them: redemption.



My family went to see Star Wars when it came out in the 70's. I was so young that I heard the opening music and promptly fell asleep. Now I have a direct association Star Wars=SleepyTime. I can't help it. I have tried to watch it numerous times, mostly at dh's insistence, but I just






Anytime anything SW related comes on my oldest turns to me and says, "Mom, don't fall asleep on us!" :lol:


Cricket, I don't know my Orthodox from my Reformed.

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