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OMH!!!! THIS is funny...........

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I asked earlier about the movie LOST HORIZONS (the original from the 19 'when dinosaurs roamed the earth' 30s) and age appropriateness.


Well, dd11 decides that she will sit and watch it, and she takes it to the media room (which sounds more impresseive than it is, but we had to call it something).


Five minutes later she runs up here:


'Mom? You have to tell Netflix that there is something wrong with this movie.......everything on this DVD is black, white, and grey.'


Me: 'There's nothing wrong with it. That's how movies were made then.'


DD11: 'Why would they do that?'


Me: silence........resisting the urge to tell her how excited we used to get when the NBC peacock came on b/c that meant the show was going to be in COLOR.:lol::lol::lol:

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Aw, that is hilarious!


And here I am feeling ancient anyway... I just filled out a request for my college transcript. I had to state the semester I first attended that school. Aaaaaaauuugh! Thirty years ago..... !!!!!


So, I have quite a fondness for greyscale media. ;)

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I remember our first color set. I still love old black and white movies, but can't get my kids to watch them with me.


I remember our first set with a remote control. It had a wire from the set to the big boxy remote. The only buttons on it were the power button and up and down for volume. I thought I had arrived.

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