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Spelling with a 5yo?


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My son loves to read and spell words. I've never done any formal work with him on it. A while back I got Spell to Write and Read to use with him, but I quickly figured out he could spell way beyond what his fine motor skills would let him write. I don't think he could do the log as they suggest. He can verbally spell up to around 4th grade words on most lists, but he is not proficient in writing and I don't want to push him on that! So... should I formally work with him on spelling/phonics? If so what should I use or how should I approach it?

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I used The Writing Road to Reading with my oldest before she was a fluent writer and I had her spell the words out with fridge magnets.


I haven't really done much formal spelling since she finished phonics in her pre-k year. When I gave her the Schonell test at the beginning of last year, she scored several grades ahead. This year she specifically asked to do spelling as a subject (got the idea from a student planner she insisted on me buying for her), so I'm learning towards giving Megawords a try.

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I would still use SWR but use the salt boxes. Don't worry about a log until he is more proficient in writing. I would have him write a word in the salt box and then write it on the board and show the markings so he gets familiar with them. And he could do spelling tests at www.spellingcity.com. There are lots of great enrichment activities for advanced spellers in SWR. On the other hand, I have heard that AAS is a lot like SWR but it has tiles for younger students, so you might want to look into that.

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I would still use SWR but use the salt boxes. Don't worry about a log until he is more proficient in writing. I would have him write a word in the salt box and then write it on the board and show the markings so he gets familiar with them. And he could do spelling tests at www.spellingcity.com. There are lots of great enrichment activities for advanced spellers in SWR. On the other hand, I have heard that AAS is a lot like SWR but it has tiles for younger students, so you might want to look into that.


What is AAS? Is there a place with abbreviations listed?


Thanks for the spellingcity link! That is new for me and looks wonderful!

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What is AAS? Is there a place with abbreviations listed?


Thanks for the spellingcity link! That is new for me and looks wonderful!



AAS stands for All About Spelling. I have never used it, but I understand that it is similar to SWR. Instead of just one book for all levels, it has several different levels and utilizes tiles with letters/phonograms for the lower levels. Because there are more books and tiles to buy, it is more expensive. And by using the tiles, you remove the kinesthetic aspect to learning to spell. But if your child is ready to spell and not ready to write, this would seem like a good program. However, seeing as how you already have SWR, I would just find a way to do the program without the log.

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