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Paypal holding funds?

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I just received a form notice from paypal stating that their new policy is to hold any payments for up t o 21 days before releasing them. They can be released earlier if delivery is confirmed or positive feedback for the sale is left. Did everyone get this notice? Obviously this provides more seller protection, but wondering if you may hesitate accepting paypal now if you know you'll have to wait three weeks before using it? I know how quickly some of us like to buy new things with our paypal funds:001_smile:


On the flip side, would you hesitate to buy from someone who wouldn't accept paypal because of this new restriction?



Edited by Momto5girls
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Do you sell things on ebay? I ask because one doesn't normally leave feedback for Paypal transactions.


I did not get this notice. I don't sell on ebay but do have a paypal account.


You know, I was thinking that after I posted. My dd occasionally sells things on ebay and it's linked to my paypal account, so I think you're right, it probably is referring to ebay selling.




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