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I can't start school when I want to!!!

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I planned on starting school on Monday, and I've been working to try to get us to that day.


Recently we learn that my in-laws have decided they are going to come into town (after months of not being able to make up their minds). WHen are they arriving? Why next week, of course! Part of me says to start regardless even if I only get 2-3 days in, then take a week off, then begin again. However, knowing my son... we need to stay consistent in order for him to be successful.


I knew this was going to happen! I even told dh that as soon as I picked my start date for school, they would tell us they were coming. Lo & behold, they announce their arrival date... grrr....


So now, we'll be starting 2 weeks behind where I want to be, and that stresses me out already (silly, I know, since we can make up the time throughout the year).


Their visits are always stressful as they come with agendas and "rules" (who can go where with whom - guys with guys/girls with girls). I'm not looking forward to this... AT. ALL. I will deal, however, since I have no choice.


Thank you for letting me vent!

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Could you go ahead and start, and inform your inlaws that you will be schooling for 2 hours everyday while they are there? Two hours would let you get math and grammar and maybe history and read aloud done (or do a science day or whatever)--a good chunk of schooling done at any rate. Are they late risers? Will they be there the first day?


Honestly, I'd start and be sweet about it, but firm. (Maybe that's your first lesson for yourself this year? <G> I always wonder what Lessons I will have to learn each year...)

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I agree with the above posters. Start school when you want and school while they are there. Go by YOUR rules. It's YOUR house.



I know it's easier said than done since way too much has to change at our house when the IL's come visit. Good luck and if all else fails, pull on your "Ouiza" overalls from "Steel Magnolias" and take charge.

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Could you go ahead and start, and inform your inlaws that you will be schooling for 2 hours everyday while they are there? Two hours would let you get math and grammar and maybe history and read aloud done (or do a science day or whatever)--a good chunk of schooling done at any rate. Are they late risers? Will they be there the first day?


Honestly, I'd start and be sweet about it, but firm. (Maybe that's your first lesson for yourself this year? <G> I always wonder what Lessons I will have to learn each year...)


Excellent idea!

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Oh, I agree with boundaries... and believe me, we have them even if it appears we don't. The relationship with the in-laws is a very complicated one, and we've learned to deal with it as necessary (1x/year). Trust me... we have our own rules - theirs are just stupid, petty, childish things that we let them have to keep the peace even though they still drive me nutty. For the core stuff, we are in control, and it's taken us years to do this. They have always been very controlling people, and we were estranged from them for 12 years. Dh missed his dad (strangely enough) during that time, so when they asked to visit with us after ds#1 was born, we cautiously let them in. They are selfish people, and we know they are not going to change their behavior, so the graceful thing to do is deal with it for the one week we see them. They have mellowed dramatically in the past 20 years, although my hair still stands up whenever they're about to come around.


As for starting school anyway, FIL has been ill for a couple of years, and we truly don't know when he could leave us. He's already died 2x and been revived, so dh really wants the boys to enjoy him (and vice versa) when we're all together. Ds would be so distracted with them here that we would be in constant battle mode. On the other hand, it would be good for them to see what we DO, since they've been a bit dubious of homeschooling... hmmm... I will figure something out. See, I just needed the hive to put me back into my place! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by jenL
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In a few weeks, it's going to cool off in NC and you'll be able to go outside and play. Don't start school yet. ;)


Good luck with your inlaws.


Exactly! This is why I wanted to start school now while it's still hot, so we can play mid-September! :D

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Well, I was going to start school this past Monday. Ds has been running a fever and coughing all week. Dd15a has been coughing her head off. Both are on antibiotics now. Dd17 has a friend who can FINALLY come over to visit on Monday. My parents have decided to stop by for a visit on Thursday and Friday next week. A limb the size of a medium large tree has fallen in the backyard and must be taken care of. I managed to get around to ordering books yesterday. Hmmm. I don't know when we will actually get started.:001_huh:

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Exactly! This is why I wanted to start school now while it's still hot, so we can play mid-September! :D



Well next year you can school in June July and all of August and they will tell you they are coming the first week of June.


Thank you, don't forget to tip your waitress.

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I can sympathize. I finally completed my file box, picked up my library books and I'm all ready to start school on Monday. But...DH is taking the kids down to his mom's next weekend and DS is staying for the week. I don't really want to do a week, then take off a week since I don't think he'll retain much and why go through the struggles of starting twice? So, now we're not starting until the last week of August.

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