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must reads for SOTW 4


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My twin boys are going back to a classical christian school next year. I want to keep great books around here to supplement their school work. They will roughly studying from the missouri compromise up til present. I would be grateful for any books that can be recommended.




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Do you want non-fiction or fiction? I'll throw out a few of each, just in case. :)


Russell Freedman's photobiographies of Lincoln & FDR are both excellent. We also loved his bio of Eleanor Roosevelt and Children of the Great Depression. Many of the Sterling biographies available at B&N cover important ppl from that time period and we used them liberally. The Sterling Point books (many of which are reprints of old Landmark books) formed most of our study of WWII, along with Ambrose's The Good Fight, Air Raid Pearl Harbor, and Dowswell's The World Wars (which we used for both World Wars). We also used a few of the COFA books & Jean George's books.


Literature - Little Women, Caddie Woodlawn, Old Yeller, All of a Kind Family, A Little Princess, Peter Pan, Cheaper by the Dozen, A Christmas Carol, A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt, The War of the Worlds, Snow Treasure, Escape from Warsaw, Number the Stars, Code Talker, In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson, Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot, The Wall, Plain Girl... there are so many great books from/about that time period.



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