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Paging Dr. Hive - WARNING: Female Content

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First of all, let me say that I'm not TOO concerned about this, but being as though it is VERY unusual for me, I am a little.


Approx 8-10 days ago I had a 1/2 of a day of yellow (like nasty cold, snot yellow) discharge. I've never had this before, and decided to just see what happened. Two to three days later I had brown (like old blood) discharge and assumed my period was on it's way. It never came. The next day, and every day since I have had both brown discharge and red blood tinged mucus. I have never spotted before in my life. This is HIGHLY unusual for me. Should I be concerned??


I have no other symptoms of anything unusual (no itching, burning, pain, etc...). And, since I know somebody will ask....I have NO IDEA when my period is/was due. I'm still nursing DS and they are rather sporatic. I know it's got to be close to time if not past it though.


Anyway....thanks in advance for all your input!

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Well, I should say that I've been having fairly regular periods (give or take 5-8 days each month) since October or November. I'm terrible at keeping track, but know that my last one has been long enough ago that I can't remember when it was, LOL! I just asked DH (he usually remembers) and he said "usually it's like the last week of the month", but says for sure it was before the 4th of July.

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Okay, so I have a thought on that front......I really think it would be highly unlikely to be pregnant. DH has a spinal cord injury and rarely **ahem** finishes. I know he didn't at all in the last month. I know he doesn't necessarily HAVE TO for me to be pregnant, but it seems much more unlikely.


ETA: I'm a photographer and have a session at 10am this morning, so I won't be able to go anywhere until after that :(

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Okay, so I have a thought on that front......I really think it would be highly unlikely to be pregnant. DH has a spinal cord injury and rarely **ahem** finishes. I know he didn't at all in the last month. I know he doesn't necessarily HAVE TO for me to be pregnant, but it seems much more unlikely.


ETA: I'm a photographer and have a session at 10am this morning, so I won't be able to go anywhere until after that :(


Is that a new injury, as in since your last child? Cause if not, it seems like he has done a good job three other times now. :lol:


Seriously though, sounds like it could be implantation bleeding. :D Agreeing with the pps, get a pregnancy test, and don't forget to let us know how it turns out. You know how nosey we are.

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Not a new injury, but the other 2 (my oldest is not his) were the result of 2-3 months of trying with several "finishes" around the appropriate time.


I'm probably going to head to the store this afternoon....kids in tow though, so that might be a bit interesting to pull off.

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