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High School

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We considered a private school starting this year for dd15, 10th.


Why? Because it's as if it was tailor made for her with what it offers academically, in the arts, sports, and work and volunteer requirements. My daughter would love it. I think she would thrive in that environment. And I think she'd find her people there :) other young people who work hard and care about what they are studying.

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Yes, our plan has always been to put dd back in high school. We pulled her out in second grade to escape our horrendously under-funded, broken K-8 system. The high school is not under the purview of our local board of education and is privately endowed.


We have always wanted her to attend high school in preparation for college, where classes will not be one-on-one, etc. We're not in the "public schools are BAAAD!" camp, but we'll probably supplement her high school course load as well. Also, Molly dearly loves band and has always attended our local school for band and chorus. Music is an important part of her life.



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It's all or nothing here. The ps won't take any hs credit for high school, so you either start ps by the beginning of 9th grade or you have to repeat all the high school work you've already done to get credit for it.


My oldest went to ps for 6th and 7th grades and wanted nothing to do with it after that. She started taking dual credit classes at the community college (cc) as soon as she was eligible (end of 10th grade where I live). She loves her cc classes.


My middle has never had any desire to go to ps. She has always wanted to hs. She will start taking dual credit classes at the cc next summer after she finishes 10th grade.


My youngest is the only one who may end up going to ps for high school. The option is there, but she'll have to go in 9th grade if she wants to try it. She's my social butterfly.

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As of right now we do not plan to put them back in school for high school. We like homeschooling and so does she. I feel confident in some subjects for high school and will find help in the areas I'm not. By help, I mean online classes, video classes, or even local classes with other homeschoolers.


The public schools here would never be an option. The private schools in our town are not really an option, either, as they seem to take all the kids kicked out of public school. There is a private school in another county that we would consider if the need arose, but it would be far and I would need to work there to pay the tuition and have both kids there.


We would also consider part-time situations for more difficult classes or even dual enrollment college classes.

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We are not sure at this point. Our plan is to tour many schools this year, apply to a few, and make a decision in the spring. Mainly the decision to send DD back to PS school has to do with our finances. It is just getting more expensive as she moves up through the grades. I am dreading the decision because it will impact the entire family one way or another.



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After 9 years of homeschooling, we arrived at the high school decision this spring. Really it just came down to asking dd if she wanted to go to public school, because 9th grade would be the perfect time to start. She said no, so onward we go with homeschooling. Actually she accumulated several hs credits in 8th grade, so essentially we've already started. Our state has a free dual enrollment option beginning at age 16, so that's what I'm shooting for--graduating her with high school AND part of college taken care of. I'm not so worried about it anymore, though I admit to getting a little concerned in 7th/8th grade.

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When we made this commitment 9 years ago, we made it for the long haul.

We've worked to hard and sacrificed too much not to reap the rewards of homeschooling high school as well.

It is something I have looked forward to for years.

My dd, a freshman this year, says she wouldn't have it any other way.


She will be doing her junior year abroad, in Denmark because I have a dear friend who has offered to take her in, her dd and mine are close friends though we only see them once a year. We are very excited for her. She will be in the local IB program school with her friend. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for her and so, she will be in school that year, but I am ok with that.

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After being homeschooled 6-8th grade, by DD19 decided on her own to try PS high school. She already had friends there from 4-H so that wasn't a problem. She came home for Christmas break her sophomore year and said, "I'm not going back." Yikes! I had to scramble for curriculum quick! She was so disgusted by the morality of the kids and the lack of quality teachers. She finished hs at home, attending the local CC for dual enrolement classes including college algebra which she aced. She is now a sophomore at the university studying to be a nurse.


I do NOT intend to send my DD9 to school.

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Yes, ds1 started at a private school for 9th. At first, he didn't want to go. But as ds1 got into his middle school years, he began to look on us as his adversaries. It was affecting our relationship. Now that he's at school he's more comfortable with us helping him with his work, and our relationship with him has improved. Sending him to school has been good for our family.


Not sure if ds2 will go also. He's taking a couple classes this year and we'll see how it goes.




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No way. My 17yo has many friends in the local ps here, which is supposed to be a very good school. The things they tell us would make your hair curl.


I am also sure that I can provide a better education for my dc than they would receive there.


I have graduated two, so I feel much more confident this go round than I did with the older two.

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We are sending ds14 to Catholic high school this year (he starts Monday!). I would have preferred him to be homeschooled with community college classes, but he really wanted to be in a school environment. I am anxious to see how he likes it. So far so good- he looks great in his uniform, and his hair is shorter than it's been in years!

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Are you planning on sending your children to public/private school for high school? Why or why not?


My dd18 started homeschooling 2 years ago after I had already been homeschooling her siblings for 7 years. She hated high school. She still gets harrassed by peers for making that decision. Their behavior just makes her feel like she made the right decision. :)


Ds14 wouldn't do well in high school for the same reasons he wouldn't have done well in elementary or middle school. We do like the traditional educational method though, so we use an accredited high school program.


Dd12 is talking about going to high school when she hits 9th grade. I am not fond of the idea but I will let her make that decision just like I've let the others make their own decisions. I don't see anything truly beneficial in high school that I cannot provide at home. I think she just wants the traditional teenager experience see sees in tv and movies and reads about in books, but hopefully that desire passes before 9th grade begins. :)

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