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I'm winging it for my dd's high school German III class. We are using a variety of grammar practice books through McGraw, an ancient college text, she's reading Bis Zum Morgengrauen, and using the internet and netflix.


I'd like to add a couple of german language history books- especially of Switzerland because she's spending part of next summer there. I'd prefer something written at the equivalent of junior high level. Does anyone have any ideas?

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You could use either or both of these:


Deutsche Geschichte by Manfred Mai


Nachgefragt: Deutsche Geschichte by Reinhard Barth



The "Nachgefragt" title is a set of questions and answers that help explain various topics throughout history. There's a whole series of these Nachgefragt books, with topics like politics, economics, and others.


Amazon.de has both of them, and you can look inside the Manfred Mai book. He also has a Lesebuch of German history, plus the main Deutsche Geschichte book is also available as an audio book.

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Sorry, I missed the part about Switzerland! Klett publishes a book called "Dreimal Deutsch" that is more geography & culture of German, Austria and Switzerland. (You can find it on amazon, or get more information on the Klett Verlag site) Hopefully someone else will know of a good Swiss history!

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Thanks Ladies for all the great ideas.


My daughter be spending quite a bit of time in Ticino Switzerland. Which of course, is the Italian speaking section.... She's studying Italian too.


However, the family she'll be living with speaks German at home and they'll be spending a lot of time on holiday, visiting their family in Austria.


I did want something, in German, about Wilhelm Tell. I was afraid the work by Schiller would be too difficult.

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I'm winging it for my dd's high school German III class. We are using a variety of grammar practice books through McGraw, an ancient college text, she's reading Bis Zum Morgengrauen, and using the internet and netflix.


I'd like to add a couple of german language history books- especially of Switzerland because she's spending part of next summer there. I'd prefer something written at the equivalent of junior high level. Does anyone have any ideas?


I'm having my middle-school aged girls ready Gombrich's Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser (A Little History of the World) in the original German . It's a fun little read.


Maybe you could find a German translation of Heidi



Wouldn't need to find a translation - it was written in German in the first place. :) That would be a lovely book to read - already have it on my shelf for my girls.

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