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Would you homeschool your grandkids?

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I homeschool my grandson with my son. My only grandson is 4 and my youngest son is 7 next week. It is an adjustment because for the first time I am schooling more than one child, but we are ironing the kinks out. I also don't know what we will do about the State since I am not legally able to HS him when he turns 6 and DD must do a Notice of Intent. I guess we will take it year by year and see how it goes, but there aren't any extra concerns or challenges because he is a grandchild instead of my child. At least not yet, and my daughter is great about helping with the costs, reading to him from his read alouds and exploring and expanding on what we are learning.

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I wouldn't. Unless there was some sort of health issue or extenuating circumstance that kept the parents from doing the schooling, I'd say no way.


I look forward to lots of fun with my grandchildren, and hope their parents will let me be very present in their lives. But not that present.


Homeschooling isn't my passion. I don't think it is the only way to a good education. It is my children's choice to homeschool, not mine.

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No. Not unless there was some desperate situation where homeschooling the grandkids was crucial and my adult child was totally unable to do so.


The ideal is still for parents to raise and invest in their own children. I wouldn't place the grandparent into that role unless there was a dire need.


I love hsing, but I look forward to not having that on my agenda anymore.

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Barring some unforeseen circumstances, no. I'd be happy to drop in and teach something special on occasion, but not as a whole. I already feel drawn to certain thing after retirement (oversees organizations like Ratanak, etc) and plan to invest my time and effort into those once my kids have flown the coop.

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If the parents aren't able to do it, and I lived nearby, yes. I love the idea of teaching a subject or 2 so I can spend time with my grandchildren and help my children. I also hope to be able to help my kids homeschool by helping pay for the curriculum they choose. My parents have been paying for the curriculum of my 10 year old and that in itself has been a huge blesing.

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Yep, definitely. My older girls have already asked me if I will. :D They are only children, who knows what they will want when they are grown - but if they would like me to I'd jump at the opportunity. My girls enjoy being homeschooled and think they would like that for their children as well. However, they have grand plans for themselves and can't imagine staying home all day every day. :tongue_smilie: If they live nearby and their husbands approve, I would love to homeschool my grandkids. And my dh would be thrilled to have grandkids in the house every day. But we had our kids young and it doesn't look like I can have any more. So even our youngest child will graduate my homeschool while dh and I are still in our late 40's.

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No, I wouldn't want to homeschool them. I might help with some things, as needed, but I would expect most of it to be done by my dc and their spouses. However, I would love for them to make "library trips" to my house to read all of the wonderful books we have! Maybe a weekly date night for my dc and spouses, with cousin/book time at Grandma's house.

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I noticed in the "15-18 year old thread that it's mentioned a couple of times.


I'm curious if you would consider it?


I wouldn't. Unless there was some sort of health issue or extenuating circumstance that kept the parents from doing the schooling, I'd say no way.


I look forward to lots of fun with my grandchildren, and hope their parents will let me be very present in their lives. But not that present.


Yeah, well, if you saw what a hands on, attentive homeschool parent I was (Not), you would understand why I said that and what my children would know about that comment. :lol:

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