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US Postcard Swap

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A homeschool friend is creating a US Postcard Swap. It will be handled through a Yahoo Group. Here are the states still needed:





North Dakota



You do not have to live in the state as long as you do not mind researching it, getting postcards from family members in that state or online or even making them.


The idea:


Each family on a scheduled week will send a postcard to the other 50 states that tells a little about your state. This allows each family to receive a postcard from a state or two each week and to learn from that postcard. At the end of the swap your family will have a postcard with something you have learned from each state and Washington DC.


The cost to do this is 51 postcards and 50 stamps at 28 cents a piece for 50 postcard stamps.


Once you indicate you are interested, I will check to see if we need your state and if we do, I will send you an invite to our yahoo group, where you will keep up to date on the swap.


Thank you so much, we just need the states above and we can get started.



tomandjerry96@ gmail.com

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