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s/o Baby Shower

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So I was going to get on and ask this question today, but after reading the other thread, I am a little afraid to :001_smile:.


Here's the story. I'm due with our second baby, a girl, in a month. My other daughter is just barely 2 years old, so I still have EVERYTHING. I deliberately saved everything knowing that we would be having more children soon. We just moved to a new city a month ago and a few days ago a girl from church asked if it would be ok for her to throw me a baby shower. I know she's doing it to reach out to me and help me feel welcomed, and I really appreciate that.


But here's the thing. She asked what I needed, and I honestly can't think of a single thing. We cloth diaper even, so I don't need disposables. I'm very practically minded, but I can also understand that they would want some direction too. So what should I tell her? We have more than enough clothes in great condition (my daughter was the first grandbaby on both sides of the family and we have generous parents). I have all the gear I can possibly use. I've decided to let her throw the shower because I really want to get to know everyone and it was sweet of her to offer and I'd feel rude for not accepting. What would you do and what would you tell her that you need?

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Just be honest and tell her what you told us - definitely let her know that you don't need disposable diapers! You could even tell her that a shower without gifts would be OK. Your hostess will probably be able to come up with some creative "gifts" on her own. A book of prayers that everyone will be praying, or meal sign-up, etc.


I think its nice that she's offering to so this and will give you a chance to bond with the other ladies at your church.

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I'd just make my siutation known and then ask for unusual things. How about the brand of laundry detergent you use for washing diapers or the components to make your own if that's what you do? Baby wipes, casseroles for the freezer, diaper pail liners if you use them, dryer sheets or whatever equivalent you use as softener, nursing pads for your bra (if you BF) or formula if you don't bf, burp cloths (so many look terrible even after only one child), coupons for pizza or take-out that dh can use during those first few weeks when you won't be up to cooking meals, homemade certificates of "service" from the ladies i.e. "this certificate entitles new mommy to call me and ask for me to do a load of laundry, or wash the dishes, or vaccum the living room carpet", etc. Disposable diapers for those first few weeks when you shouldn't be lifting baskets of wet diapers and clothing anyway....basket of your favorite foods for when you come home from the hospital.


I would just be creative with my requests and gentle in explaining that your family was very generous when you had your first baby so your needs are non-traditional.



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Maybe you could ask her if instead of a baby shower before the baby is born, maybe you could have a "welcome baby" thing afterward (if you think you would feel up to that, some moms are good with company after having a baby, some aren't!) and see if instead of traditional gifts, as you don't need anything, maybe they'd be willing to bring meals instead, the kind that you can freeze and heat for the next week or two, so that you don't have to worry about cooking with a new baby in the house?

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Maybe you could have a baby shower with the understanding that all the gifts would be donated to a worthy cause. Surely there is a woman/child organization that could benefit from new baby items? Or even a foster care organization that places infants. That way, the ladies would get the party they desire, you'd get to know everyone, and someone who really needs it will benefit from their (and your) generosity.

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How about a casserole shower? That is something that has been done here and it is really appreciated. Food in the freezer is always welcome.


ETA: OR a book shower? We did this for a friend for her second child. Everyone brought their favorite book and wrote something to the baby inside. The books ranged from board books to Treasure Island - whatever books people loved. I think she had a wish list at Amazon that we could peek at if we needed ideas.

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Guest janainaz

I've heard about the book shower also. Everyone brings their favorite book and writes a little note to the baby. I think that is the cutest idea.

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Do you have some stores that you like to get baby things at, or your cloth diapers? Are there gift cards for those websites or stores? You could ask for a "giftcard" shower, then use those to get things when you need them. :)


Oh, yes, and MEALS after the baby comes as the PP said is very wonderful!

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