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The Indian in the Cupboard was the first book...

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The Indian in the Cupboard was the first chapter book I ever read aloud to my older 2 boys. They were 4 and 3 at the time. My first grade teacher read this book aloud to the class and I loved it. It's one of my favorite childhood memories, which is why I chose it to read to my guys. Added to my first grade memories are memories of me reading to them while they picked up their room. I was sure they weren't listening.


Yesterday I picked up a stack of audio books at the library. The older two were looking them over, and they both said "The Indian in the Cupboard! I love this story!"


I was shocked, and said "You remember the story?!?". I quizzed them a bit on it, and they both do remember it.


I was floored. It was encouraging to me though, because we started a consistent family read aloud time 4 years ago, which means my younger three boys were 4, 3, & 1 when we started. I now have hope that they might remember some of the stories we read when they were younger.

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We just love that book here. Prior to that book, ds was convinced that he didn't like chapter books and that they were too hard for him. We started reading Indian in the Cupboard aloud, and he was so motivated to see what happens next that he continued reading on his own. We kept reading aloud some, and having him read on his own some. He LOVED that book! Once finished, he carried it around with him on errands to re-read!!! And it got him over that wall in his mind about reading chapter books--he now reads chapter books with no problems.

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I bet they do remember! The first read-alouds here were Little House in the Big Woods and Mr. Popper's Penguins. I read them to my children when they were just turned 5 and 4. They still bring up bits from the stories and remember details that I've long forgotten.

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I have that book sitting on one of my bookcase shelves, and neither I, my 9 year old, or my 4 y/o (who doesn't read yet anyway) have ever gotten around to reading it yet.


Maybe I'll make it the next read-aloud over here and try reading it to both of them! (We're currently reading "On The Banks Of Plum Creek," so maybe after we finish that one)!

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My first grade teacher read this book aloud to the class and I loved it. It's one of my favorite childhood memories, which is why I chose it to read to my guys.


This is one of my favorite childhood memories too! The school librarian read it to our class during Library time and I can still remember sitting in the library listening to this, mesmerized, like it happened yesterday.

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This is also one of the first chapter books we read with our older (now 28 and 26) sons. I think the first chapter book that my dh ever read to the kids was James and the Giant Peach;) My 9yo sons have never heard The Indian and the Cupboard, have to put that one on the list. Right now we are reading Dr. Doolittle.

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