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Punctuation?! Prefixes and Suffixes?! Huh?!


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In what subject do we learn these? I realize we learn a little bit of punctuation in copywork BUT there's more to it with commas and all that . . .


I like learning about prefixes and suffixes but I don't see it in the programs we have chosen for the first 4 years.


Are these supposed to be learned in the grammar or the writing program we use?


I don't see it in FLL (looking in all levels) and I'm so curious! It is included in CLE LA but that is an all in one program so that makes sense to me :D.


I need to put my mind to rest if it's coming in the future and I just can't see it yet :001_smile:. Or perhaps I need a different scope & sequence that will put me at ease . . .

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FLL will cover punctuation - you'll have to get to level 4 to get to things like semi-colons but FLL 1/2 will cover end punctuation, commas, and quotation marks.


Prefixes and suffixes will be covered in your spelling program probably. With Spelling Workout they are specifically addressed beginning in E or F I think.

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