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How do you store games?

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We store ours in the linen closet. We have games on the top four shelves. On one of the shelves, I have a three-drawer plastic unit that holds card games (Gamewright and such) and games like Railroad Crossing.


On the floor of the closet, we have plastic drawer units for Band-aids, medicines, etc. and excess toiletries. We also have our extra towels in there. I keep very few extra towels because I stay current on laundry.


It works great for us.

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We put the pieces and directions in ziploc baggies and put them in a drawer, and the boards were stored in another drawer. We did the same with puzzles -- and included the picture of what it was supposed to look like in the baggie.


We did that too. Unfortunately, I left them down where the kids could easily get to them...and they've all been dumped out and mixed together. :glare: It's a great space-saving idea, but if you have littles you'll want to make sure they're put away up high. Probably a no-brainer to everyone else. :tongue_smilie:

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In a large Sterlite container. The pieces and instructions are in ziploc baggies and the boards stand vertically along one wall. This works perfectly with the exception of Guess Who, which doesn't fit in gallon size bags. Our Monopoly and Scrabble are still in their original boxes, sitting on top of the container of games because we have deluxe versions of these games that come with the perfect storage box that I don't want to mess with.

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I finally broke down and pulled the majority of our board games out of the original boxes. That was tough for me. I just loved all those pretty boxes, but we just didn't have the space. Here is what I did. I had a Sterlite 12x12, 3 drawer container. I labeled all the game boards with Sharpie (silver) or put a label on them and put them in the drawers and labeled the drawers (game boards). I then put all the game pieces, etc. into ziploc bags, labeled with the correct game. I put all the baggies into a shoe-box size plastic box and labeled it "game pieces". I think I had to use 2 boxes. I also have a separate shoe-box for card games and such. Games that had too many large parts were kept in orig. boxes (What's Gnu?, Boggle, etc.) and stacked on the shelves in our linen closet turned school/game closet. I love how it is organized now and I have so much more space for other things. HTH. The hardest part for me was destroying all those pretty boxes. :tongue_smilie:

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This is my fantasy (the best pic I could find, but if you've seen the movie, you'll remember):




This is our reality, though there are quite a few more games now than when the pic was taken. There are no longer books in these cases, just DVD's and games. The kiddie games are on the bottom two shelves of the left case. DD the Elder plays mostly with the big "kids" now, but will still play "kid" games with her sister.




As for storage tips, it's impossible to have too many little ziplock bags (spice size and sandwich bags) stored away and ready to use. And a big ball of elastics to keep card decks sorted.

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We have a random old bookshelf from Ikea that we stuffed in the hallway between the kids' bedrooms (did I mention we have *no* storage in this house???). The baskets on the bottom hold all the small games/card games and the big ones fit on the shelves. The ones we play all the time (maybe 8 or 10) we keep in a small cabinet in the dining room, which is where our only big table is these days.



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This is my fantasy (the best pic I could find, but if you've seen the movie, you'll remember):







This is my fantasy too! I have yearned for a walk-in closet full of games since first seeing the Tenenbaums.


I'm so glad I'm not alone in that desire :001_wub:.


Sadly, we don't even have closets in my house.


I have all our games shoved into a cabinet that is over-full.

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  • 4 months later...

Sterilite's large latch boxes are pretty much the perfect size for board games - provided their boards fold into quarters. Actually any shallow box that would fit paper or magazine should work. I haven't found a shallow box that will hold the full size boards.

If the box is already pretty much ruined, I use them. I am hoping in the future to get them using a 40% off coupon at craft stores - I don't have a lot of games, but $4 could add up.

I cut the name off the short side and use removable glue to stick it to the inside of the box (1 long and 1 short side).

I also want to store everything we may need in the box with the game. So in my Clue box went pencils and something to press on (heavy cardboard with a paperclip for the list) for 6 players and a sharpener because that is what my family is always looking for before we can play.

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I've taken all the games like Sorry, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland and put all the pieces in a plastic zip bag. Then I take the lid, cut out the name and tape it to the bottom of the game board with clear packaging tape. The baggies go in a wicker basket; the boards stack underneath.

Games that come in square boxes like Sequence or Pictureka and puzzles are shelved like books and held upright by book ends. Large boxes like Monopoly are either at the end of the shelf or under the couch in the living room.

I'm lucky to have a large kitchen with an area dedicated to toys.

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